Hello All,
Chester, our normally calm, even tempered stallion is teaching me a lot about the birds and bees. I have been working with Chester on barrels we set up to show folks in Texas Curlies can barrel race like the big quarter horses with names like Dash for Cash and Zip.
So naturally, I try to keep him calm and focused while we walk around the barrels, then we slowly trot around the barrels, and after a few weeks we begin to lope around the barrels until....the girls start winking at our man.
Our Chester sees them from a distance and forgets everything we've learned. He hears one of the sweet neighs and he responds with flared nostrils and eyes as if his entire being depends on this sound. It is especially challenging if you are in the saddle and this engagement begins. He holds his tail high in the air and begins to move closer to the girls while I try to pull him back in the pattern with all my might. He actually does a nice little sidestep but I'm not asking for a sidestep.
Knowing that our Chester is a smart fella, I decided to do the most sensible thing.....I gave the girls a chance to graze in the back pasture where he could not see nor hear them while we practiced. We are again making our rounds around the barrels. Just hope no one brings a mare with a sweet voice and twinkle in eye to the barrel racing competition next month.