Sunday, October 31, 2010

Long Walk

I finally got Linus out today for a much overdue long walk. We did about 8km and I forgot to change my boots...not the smartest thing I did in rubber boots this week!! We went up the road the opposite way to which we have most recently gone. Its been a couple of months since we did the whole length of the road. Linus was wound for sound the whole way. So, once we reached the end of the road, we crossed over the main road and kept going for another half a kilometre. It turned out to be great for him since we had to cross over the biggest bridge he has ever been on. It really made him look and flare the nostrils a bit but he braved it and crossed it. On the way back over it he picked up the pace and actually crinkled his muzzle a bit and threw his head up a little as if to say, I can do this, it doesn't scare me. He was really great with the bridge.
We sure did a lot of tight circles today though. He was very wired to be out on the road again. He used every little thing he could as an excuse to snort and prance and act like he was a little stud...which he isn't. But, eventually he calmed down and was pretty good on the way back home. He had a lot of people looking out their windows at him. Not too many people within that range have horses and the kids on the road just love it. Some people we met trick-or-treating tonight were disappointed that they missed seeing him.
Linus and Nessie (7months in the photo) are starting to play more together. Her breed is meant to be good with livestock. It sure isn't for lack of trying on her part!! She is always trying to play with Linus but is a bit shy and runs away if he tries to play with her. She is getting braver.
Hopefully we can get out again this week!

Beech Riding !

As I wrote on my farm blog this morning,  I still yearn for a ride on the beach after seeing Susan's post from last year along the NH shoreline ! This is as close to a Beech ride I am ever going to get I think :)

Friday, Zoe and one of our volunteers, Kelli, and I went out for a trot with Yemaya, Winter Dancer, and of course Keri.

We got into an area of forest which is primarily Beech trees ... very beautiful !! Beech are one of my favorites.

We took a short detour off the trail to ride by the pond for some glamour shots.  Since both Yemaya and Dancer are for sale -- I thought maybe I could get a few nice photo's of them with the pond as a backdrop.

You can see Dancer is tired.. she has not been out on the trail since 2009 !  What a trouper -- she was in the lead for much of the time and did not balk at a thing.

Yemaya is the champ at all she does... loves a nice trail. With her rich deep red chestnut coloring she is the perfect Autumn mount !!

Keri was somewhat antsy about this venture and she decides she is not going to stand much longer for this foolishness of posing and photographing and admiring other horses !!   So it's back to riding trail...

Through the white pine maze and on home !

No roaring of sea water crashing on the shores- but a nice Beech ride none the less. :)

Lots more photo's - as usual -- on the farm blog :)

Our neighborhood Ghoul says.. Happy Halloween :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Trail Walk

Last weekend here was absolutely gorgeous and I took full advantage of that to take Linus out. As you can see, he is really growing!! I think I mentioned that my farrier couldn't believe how much he had grown in the last 8 weeks. His mane is finally about to flop over too...we won't be trimming it next spring!! lol.
Linus has been a very good boy when I take him out lately. Despite the weather from preventing us from getting out as much as I would like, he has behaved exceptionally well for his age. He is maturing a lot I find. I still keep reminding myself he is only young when I do have him out and he has his moments. Last weekend, we went up the trail beside the farm again and into the open fields. He took full advantage of what was left of the green grass there!! I enjoyed our quiet time. I did have to remind him on the way back up the trail that just because he wanted to spend the entire day down there eating, we weren't going to!
This morning I got a call from my husband who had just dropped our son off with my Mom at the farm. He was calling to tell me that Linus had been loose when he got there (the farm is very far off the road, so no worries that he would go up the road) So, Stu had put him in the barn. It was the first time he had handled him in a long time. He too found him huge!! Stu did let me know that Linus was a good boy and let him go through the barn doors first after Stu had put a rope around his neck to put him in a pen. Turns out a deer had run through the fence for his pasture and Linus likely chased it back out again. They were probably playing!!
So, I spent my lunch hour today fixing fence and putting Linus back out. We shared a nice hug in the barn first though where he wrapped he head around me. It was great!!

Riding with color

I am cheating a bit -- as this is a beautiful trot out Zoe and I took 2 weeks ago.  This was a trip that ended up being quite a zig zag of places and sights as we changed our minds several times as far as direction. We did have a few destinations in mind... just how to get there was pick and choose as we trotted a long.  We found some nice autumn color and as always some super views.

One of our goals -- this stonework which we had spotted on another ride out where I had not brought the camera. Today we decided to return there for photo's.  This is all along a brook at the bottom of quite a steep ravine.  Some of the stonework appears to be old... some newer additions - all of it in pretty good repair.  Not sure - maybe these are old root cellars ?

There were several bridges -- Keri and I stand on one of them to catch a photo of the more impressive one.

There are many more photo's on my farm blog if you are curious to see more of the travelogue in pictures :)

On our way to the next stop -- beautiful fields of the old Boedtker family farm.

The Pleasant Valley cemetery which is the Boedtker family plot.  This cemetery dates back to the 1700's with two revolutionary soldiers buried here. 

Zoe and I and Keri and Teasel walk around reading the inscriptions and enjoy the view. A very beautiful peaceful place.  We spy another trail we decide to investigate --

which leads out into a large hayfield with excellent views. But nowhere do we see any more trail from here -- so backtrack - and head out Boedtker Road toward home base.

Back roads of Vermont are indeed beautiful at this time of year.

Here's the best view of the day -- This was an superb ride -- although quite long since Zoe and I kept changing our minds about routes and direction. We did not stray all that farm from home but meandering in a somewhat erratic manner all over the mountain and valley -- we covered a lot of trail.

Keri and Teasel are the best :)   If you do happen to mosey over to my farm blog you'll see the nice ICHO awards this adventurous team earned for hours and miles.  I am pretty happy about it :)

Enjoy your day -- I can't believe it's almost November !

Monday, October 25, 2010

More Fall Riding Goin' On

Yep, Didder and I made it out and about again last weekend. He was feeling very...spicy. I don't think I have a single picture of him where he isn't holding his head taut and high.I think he looks quite regal in this photo, don't you?

There is no deer hunting allowed on Sundays in Maine, so my son Ian and I donned red and orange(just in case of anyone searching for a wounded deer), saddled up, and headed out behind the house. The woods were so beautiful! Tons of yellow leaves still on the trees, and a litter of multicolored ones line the wooded paths.Bright reds can still be found, even though it is late in the season.
AhD likes riding side by side.Almost like the Keri/Teasel pair. ;0) but with mother/son aboard instead of mother/daughter, and if we trotted, AhD would leave Al in the dust.
Here, AhD has spied my daughter out walking the dogs along the powerline. I am glad we did not come upon them suddenly. I yelled out a greeting to her, and when she answered, I could see AhD visibly relax. My nephew uses that bench to site in his rifle, and what with all the shooting going on lately and the new targets here and there, AhD's curls have been ruffled for a solid week.

Happy Fall trails, fellow RACers!

Back to Blogging :)

Computer troubles mostly have kept me away from posting... but not from my riding/driving adventures. The farm has been a busy place -  seems I am always
preparing for winter. The riding center hosted many fund raisers and BBQ days for our groups. Now, it's the season for hunting in the woods.

Currently, it's bow season (rifles for turkeys until noon).  Zoe and I have sneaked carefully onto trail where it is wide, but have been riding road more.  Even with hunting, we have seen plenty of deer -- and record breaking flocks of turkey families.  Above, we are in the pine woods at the top of my little mountain.

Mid October - we rode Keri and Elektra up and over Mount Ephraim to get some views of the leaves. The opening at the half way mark is almost prettier than the one at the top.

Hikers can stop here for an inspiring picnic.

This is about the only section of trail which is not a climb.  The foliage is not spectacular this year due to our drought -- then buckets of rain and wind.. all the colorful leaves are on the ground...  but today is a beautiful fall day and the trip is quite scenic today.  Of course, I am always happy to be out with Keri -

Right about here, we have two choices of trail -- travel straight and we will come down off the mountain into Dutton District -- turn right and we continue along a fairly steep and ledgy climb to the top. We are going to trot through Dutton District but we will take the trail down the backside to add length to the ride :)

Zooming in on what little color we have left in the forests. The day we trotted out on this trek was actually peak leaf peeping.. so you can see it is not anything like other years.  Still pretty.

Just about at the top.

I don't ever tire of this view.. it's so peaceful.

Down the backside of the high point.. turn right and trot into Dutton District.

From here, we trot along back roads until we can get into a nice trail at the end of Grover Road. This is a beautiful winding trail full of ups and downs like a roller coaster -- stream crossings in little valleys and back up again. This is one of our favorite trails to trot and canter-   I did take video of our FAV driving pony OYY Nimue on this trail trotting through the narrow tree lined trail during the summer. That was FUN :)

 Elektra by the way has to work hard when she is out on the road and trail ... she still is required to hold her bend and travel correctly.   

A great trip -- refreshing.

I have a few more trips full of color and views which I will post another day -- Zoe and I did accomplish a dream trip one Sunday... we were dropped off in South Woodstock and rode home from there. This was something I have wanted to do forever and it was an outstanding journey on horseback :)   Here is one photo of that trek -- you can read all about it on my farm blog. As usual I took armloads of photo's. We traveled through many towns -- Woodstock, Brownsville, West Windsor, Ascutney, Weathersfield, Reading, Perkinsville and I am not sure where else.

I have a couple of awesome trips planned for the weeks coming up... hoping for decent weather on the right days .. I know our horses are more than ready !!

When Miss Elektra is not climbing mountain trail she is in the ring winning ribbons. She and Zoe worked hard this summer and attended quite a few shows.

Not the most flattering photo of Elektra but she and Zoe won some nice ribbons at their last show of the year..  Elektra has won the Reserve Champion for training level this summer --
this fall show She earned Champion for training level that day ! Great job Girls !!

Enjoy ~

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Whole Lotta Pink Going On....and Curls Waving in the Wind in Texas

Hello all,

Video Chester and Angie at Feeder Supply, Purina Breast Cancer

Golden Curls Ranch was invited to bring our Curly stallion, Chester to a feed store in Lancaster, Texas yesterday. The theme was to promote Breast Cancer awareness and Purina's offer to donation a percentage of feed sales directly to research and cure of Breast Cancer.

Chester was a hit as he is getting his curls and was such as good boy. A young man who was afraid of horses and never been in the saddle before even overcame his fear to take a walk with Chester. Our Curlies bring out the best in everyone.

All our best,

Angie and my gentle, Curly Man, Chester

September's Mini Contest Promotion Champions!

Hi all - sorry I am behind on posting this to the blog!

Thank you to those that participated in the September Promotional Mini Contest and turned in their forms.

Here goes!!

1st Place: CHAMPION: Ashley Ostman
2nd Place: Reserve Champion: Madison Ketter

1st Place: CHAMPION: Angie Gaines
2nd Place: Reserve Champion: Susan Lejonhud

Keep up the great work everyone!!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Trim Day

Well today was hoof trim day for Linus. He recently had a swollen fetlock joint from playing like a big kid on the wet, slippery ground. So, I had been rubbing liniment on it for a few days and he had been a bit touchy with having his feet handled. So, when I got the email from Karalee this morning I thought "Oh great, I haven't had a chance to get him back to normal". I was working today too, but thankfully work is nearby so I went on my lunch break to do the chores and move Linus to the smaller, drier pasture. Normally if I can't be there Karalee and Bruno, the farrier, go and do Linus anyway. I just leave a halter out. I thought they would be by when I was there but they weren't. Bruno stopped at work to tell me they would be there shortly after I was done. So, I figured it would give me a few minutes to do some mind games with Linus. But, as I was headed out to his pasture they pulled in the driveway. So, here we go. I haltered him, no fuss as usual. Bruno grabbed a hoof and Linus stood like it was an every day occurrence for him. He was a really great gentleman the entire time. When he did start to fuss, I told him Whoa in the voice I use during training and he immediately stopped and stood. Its funny when he does that because he halts in whatever position his feet happen to be in. Then I tell him to "stand up" and he places his feet better. What a boy. Things have been so hectic lately it was actually a treat to just stand there holding and rubbing him in his favourite places. Hopefully this weekend is nice and I can take him out for a nice, long walk.

Chester Joining Up

Good morning,
A quick video of my handsome Stallion, Renegait Chesterfield. He gave me such a wonderful compliment...he joined up with me after a ride....Curly Stallions are awesome.
Angie and Chester

Video - Chester Joining Up

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Fall foliage and workin horses

*C- C Hanalei

Hello all you fellow RAC'ers !! jeepers it has been a LONG time since I posted any news. Most recently I have been working with my weanlings. All are now halterbroke and lead nicely. I have been very pleased with their progress. This year has been an exception to the norm around here. My health issues and loads of late pasture left the babies on pasture and on their dams a little longer than usual. No one complained! of yesterday, all our horses are back out, in one big herd ;-) the foals are weaned and growing up. I honestly swear that "Hanalei" was the easiest foal I have ever had to halterbreak...we did lots of face petting and cuddling and she took to the halter and leading like she had been doing it for years!

I did a bunch of RAC ground work with our yearling "*C-C Heartfires Spark" She is coming along so nicely, catches, leads, ties, stands for all sorts of grooming and even face washing. *C-C Hanalei was the easiest foal we have ever hard to halter break. I do spend alot of time playing with my youngsters faces before I really get serious about halter breaking, so they usually are halter broke and don't even know it yet! Leading beside her human has come very natural for her.

*C-C Hearfires Spark

Henri has been another fun one to work with. He is a little quieter than Hanalei, he will stand back while the "big sister" explores anything they discover. That quiet and calm guy will make a stellar riding horse, and now that he is weaned he is starting to show more and more of his personality. I LOVE it !!! We raised over 40 foals here, and they all have been so different..sure siblings have some similarities, but all in all, they all have different personalities, and we enjoy discovering the little things about each and every one of them.

*C-C Henri

It was also time to do some video and new I will enclose some of links ( hope that is OK Denise, and the favorite shot of each from our work.

I enjoy SO much working with these highly intelligent horses, they all have their personalities, and I love finding out how each and everyone of them learns and grows. They are all offered for sale, along with some other youngster, all our listed on CHC and my website

Here are the video links!


Monday, October 18, 2010

Hunter Pace - Traveler wins!

We headed out last weekend to the new Horse Park in Cle Elum, WA for the Hunter Pace put on by the Equestrian Institute. My daughter always asks me when we go to a horse event why I didn't "win"? (She's four years old.) Well, this time we did!

It was so much fun, we rode Saturday in the Red Fox (the fastest) division and placed 2nd with our team members. Traveler (my stallion and I) and 2 other riders hit a 2 mile course that went through the woods with different obstacles to jump - logs, tables, house, barrels, etc. We did every jump even the training level "house". I was so proud of Traveler, he led the group over the fences and we came in 2nd with our 12 minute time.

So on Sunday we learned that we needed to get a 9 minute run and we flew around the course and over the jumps and it was the best fun I have ever had. And we made it through in 9 minutes and we won 1st place! My first 1st place ribbon on my old boy.

GO Traveler GO! This is the reason why we ride 10 metre circles and practice and practice, so when it comes down to the wire, you have the ability to put it all together and "fly".

What a great why to end our season!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Update on learning with Sparky - BLM Curly Mustang

Hello Curly Horse friends,
Sparky is our BLM Curly Mustang colt stud we brought home in August. Here is an update on our progress. He picked up shipping fever and ringworm so I needed to get him gentled quickly to treat him. He is a very loving young fella and it was so easy to bond with him.

Video - Update on learning with Sparky - BLM Curly Mustang

All our best,
Angie and her gentle Curlies

catch up...again

Well, time to play catch up! We've had a very crazy few weeks. Most recently, my Grandmother passed away suddenly. She was not ill or anything and it came as a huge shock to us all. So, this is the first time I have even been on the computer in all of October I think. Or close to it anyway.
Thank goodness Linus has been getting more time than the computer!! I had him out today since we had a very nice fall day. I just used the surcingle, bitless bridle and lines so that we could practice cues. He was pretty frisky but settled quickly and did a pretty good job.
I have had to put him in the barn a few times because the rains have been so heavy. The new neighbouring house isn't completely landscaped and their runoff is going right into his pasture! Every time I lead him to or from the barn he gets better and better. It used to be a bit of a chore because he was so excited. When he's like that I just circle him until he gives up. Lately he's been walking calmly with his head just below my shoulder. It's so great to have him so obedient.
Unfortunately I deleted his pictures before I loaded them on the computer. Hopefully I can soon get some up.
Congrats to the September mini-challenge winners! What a fun month. I should have a magazine within the next two weeks with my article in it!! So excited to see that!!
I have been lucky enough to enjoy quite a few really nice fall rides this year, so I thought I'd share some of my pictures for my fellow RACers who live in parts of the country without fall color.
Pretty sure I took this photo on a road, but it is hidden by the fallen leaves. We had quite the wind and rain storm on Friday, but there are still plenty of trees painting the landscape with yellows, oranges and reds.
Yesterday, my niece Ashley and I loaded AhD and his Haffie buddy Alijah into my trailer and headed to Poland to meet up with Ulla and ride her trails. She was still in church when we arrived at her house, so we tooled around the back roads and woods in her area and explored a bit. Boy was she ever surprised to meet up with us on the road! Apparently she did not check her e-mail to find out that I had invited myself over. :) Once all together, we headed out to the trail through the Big Field and then on to wind around through the barely-there path through the woods. AhD was too UP for me to enjoy a run through the field, but he listened to me and we did get in a nice extended trot. Once in the woods, he was well behaved except for the leaf snatching, and I was able to relax and revel in the splendor of the woods.What a way to spend a fall afternoon!
Ulla guided us to the bog,and since my handsome leaf-snatching fink was being SUCH a good boy, Ashley got her wish to ride AhD.
Of course, she loved him. Who wouldn't? :) She rode him the rest of the way to Ulla's house, and even cantered him up a hill. AhD was a PEACH!
At Ulla's we decided we weren't done for the day, so we rode in her ring. I practiced keeping AhD at a steady trot around the ring. Ashley helped me with my "rise and fall with the leg to the wall" because I have no clue. AhD and I are getting just a dite better at ringwork. (a very small dite) But I will say this, I also practiced his backing, and I was very pleased at his responsiveness.
One thing led to another, and soon we were riding bareback in the ring.Here, I am pointing to a spot where I planned to run AhD up an adjoining trail. Oh, how do you like the fancy seating accommodations? And the ring is made of stone dust laid over carpeting. It is SLICK! Yankee Ingenuity, and from a native born Danish person. Who'd a thunk it.
And I did run AhD up that trail by the way. TWICE. And it was FUN!!