Friday, July 8, 2011

Another view of Acadia - Jordan Stream

I have been having some wonderful rides around home, mostly bareback, but I wanted to share one more of my Acadia experiences with you.

This little Carriage trail is aptly named Jordan Stream. It starts out with two little wooden bridges, and as we passed the trail head on this rainy day, I commented to Kathy, my riding partner and guide, how cute they were. She asked, "Would Ah-D cross those?" I said, "Sure!" and we were off! Bridges crossed, and on to one of my very favorite trails in Acadia. Jordan Stream is lined in pink granite. I have tried taking pictures of it, but the color does not come through quite as striking as it seems in real life. Speaking of granite, take a look at the color of this! Pink granite, white granite and ?? something blue.

It poured this day, and we came back soaking wet, but the ride was still excellent!Ah-D bonded quickly with Ray. We had none of the issues you sometimes experience when riding with hormonal mares.The trees around the Jordan Stream trail remind me of something you might see in Lord of the Rings. We also passed by some tall cliffs on a different trail.Look how the babytrees have started to grab a foothold in this one halfway up the cliff.Changing the subject, Denise, here are a couple of pictures I took during one of those bareback rides I took around home one evening when we did a "Ride with Me." Check out how tall this grass is! Up to Didder's eyes.Happy trails everyone! -Susan and Ah-D in Maine


  1. Wonderful pictures! :-)
    Our pastures and runs are also eye level, makes one a bit nervous about snakes but generally I never see them.

  2. Oops, forgot my info since blogger is such a pain in the rear! one of these days I am going to have to wrangle with it to post.....

    Denver, Indiana

  3. Does that mean Diane that you are my anonymous blog commenter too? lol. Susan I love the pic of the "meet and greet"....maybe I will get a slower fall and get to spend my "birthday ride" with you and Didder!!!!
