Thursday, February 7, 2013

Cowgirls and their Curlies

Gina and I had great fun with our Curlies this past weekend. Chester, my wonderful stallion, and Jett, who is Chester's nephew, are always ready to ride and we have decided to work on a Curly Drill Team - this is our first attempt{:>. Gina is an awesome rider and I hope to prove that Grandmama's can keep up{:>
Angie and Gina - Cowgirls and their Curlies in Texas


  1. Good grief Angie, you have awsome horses and you set the saddle very well for a Granny......

  2. Thanks Harold, it's a funny thing about peer pressure....our little riders in class all want to go fast (hard to believe) yet their little legs do not have the strength to get our awesome Curly J into a trot or lope. So we have discovered that bringing in Gina and another Curly to go into a trot brings a little peer pressure to Curly J and he goes right into a trot with his rider.....same thing must be true with old ladies like me...seeing others having a great time with our wonderful horses makes me feel young again and I have to keep day my body reminds me how really stupid that idea was{:>
