Tuesday, April 23, 2013

More Springtime Riding

After reading Dana's post, I realize I am very fortunate to be able to get out and ride on the weekends and Monday nights.  My pony is an awesome partner.  We had a good time out on the trails all by ourselves on Saturday.
We crossed a swift stream and saw some moose tracks.  I put my hand in the picture so you could see how big they were. Not giant, perhaps a yearling moose, but fun to see.  Ah-D was not impressed.  I remember now how he stepped on me when I was busy taking a picture of these...and I'm thinking to myself as I write this that the mystery of how I got the big bruise is now solved.  This happens to me all the time.  I forget about getting banged around a bit and then the bruises and marks are a mystery.  This is a true blessing because I forget about the bad stuff and always remember the good!!!  One of the things I really like about myself.
 I tried to take a picture of us while we were out Saturday, but it came out all washed out.  And, dang it, I looked thin, too!  What the heck, I will post it anyway, because I want to look at a thin picture of myself instead of the usual.

Monday night, Terry and I took Allie and Ah-D out for a nice, leisurely trail ride.  Oh, a funny...I was combing through the woods trying to figure out where a break in the stone wall was, and I happened to look down at Ah-D's mouth.  The bit was under his chin.  Can you believe that?  I never put the bit in his mouth when I put on the bridle!  DUH.  Terry and I got a kick out of it.  I didn't even notice any difference in Ah-D's responsiveness, either.  Have I mentioned before how much I love my Curly?  Maybe once or twice.

We stopped a few times and let the horses get a taste of that new spring grass emerging.  The birds were singing their evening songs.  It was heaven.

Until next time, Susan and Ah-D in Maine





  1. I love your stories, Susan! LOVE The moose tracks! And so funny about the bit in Allie's mouth! What a good horse! Love seeing the rushing creek...oh how I love spring!! Thank you for being so faithful in blogging..always enjoy them! p.s. and I know what you mean about the bruises...we are so engrossed in life that we don't recall when it happened..that's a great thing!!

  2. I would love to come over there and go moose track hunting... Your pictures are always so pretty and relaxing. I miss trail riding!

  3. Well Susan the tracks don't mean much unless you can show me BIGFOOT!!!!! That would be great and them I could come and find him... Great pictures again and I like the Susan thin picture, lookin good Susan lookin good, I am still waiting for the snow to go here and hopeing to get a garden this year and some horse back riding on Curly boy,, he is getting so fat I don't know if my saddle will fit.. Do you love your Curly, I was just wondering, like you don't mention it. Have a great trail ride again this week and please keep the pictures comeing,, You can even put one up of Terry if you want.......

  4. I've been so busy that I haven't even gotten to READ RAC for a while!! I always LOVE your blogs!!

  5. Awesome adventure! Do you have Moose Tracks ice cream there?

  6. Thank you all, glad you enjoyed it, and yes, Donna, we have Moose Tracks ice cream here. It has chocolate and pb in it. Harold, it's almost May so it is time for spring to arrive in MN so you can put Curly Boy on a diet and exercise program.
