Thursday, September 19, 2013

Squeaking in a Fall Ride

~Susan and Ah-D in Maine~
 By the time I get home from work and get chores done, there is very little time to ride now, but after talking with Harold on facebook earlier in the day, I was bound and determined to get out there on my Curly.   I knew I was losing light fast, so I took some photos on my way out to collect Ah-D from the pasture.  I hope these capture the cool crispness of the early evening and the early fall juxtaposed against the late summer.

Our Morning Glories are still blooming, yet some of the maples are vibrant with fall color.



The peaches and apples are ripe on the trees, and the tom turkeys' heads are turning blue.

I have not been riding with my dogs recently because there is now such a divergence in their ages and physical abilities, but since I knew this ride was going to have to be short and sweet, it was the perfect opportunity to allow them to come along.
I rode bareback with no saddle pad and was reminded of how slippery horse hair can be.  September is Ah-D's least-curly month because he is losing his summer coat yet his winter coat has not yet really arrived.  This September he has more pattern than usual indicating that winter coat is coming fast, and I read in the almanac it is supposed to be a cold and snowy winter.  The bee hives are way up in the trees, and the hummingbirds left three weeks early.

By the time we were ending our ride, night was falling.  I rode Ah-D back up into the pasture to change over the gate.  For some reason, he gets all tense and uppity when I ride him up through the pasture, and I haven't quite figured out the reason.  I mean...he lives's not like there is anything new.  Perhaps he is missing his pasture buddies, noticing they are not with him and realizing all he has is little ol' me.  Doesn't he remember just how bossy I can be?? :)

It was so beautiful and peaceful when we reached the top of the pasture.  Before I slipped off Ah-D's back to change over the electric fence, I took these pictures of the moon. 
I didn't bother to get back on after I changed over the gate; I was remembering how much effort it took on my part to jump on from rock at the beginning of the ride.  Ah-D had been sweet and stood stock still while I clambered on. Glad no one was there to take a picture of THAT! Anyway, he was just as sweet as we walked back down the barn.  He walked just behind and beside me, exactly where he is supposed to be, and he kept nuzzling my hand that held the reins.  It touched my heart.  He is such a good boy!


  1. Well you have fantastic fall colors already, just starting to change here and I am hoping for a good freeze to ripen the apples and get rid of the hornets, they are destroying our apple crop, an by the way , thanks for the ride and you really do have a fantastic horse

  2. Harold is right, you do have a fantastic horse. Your ride sounds so soothing!! Nice to get out sometimes and just meander around isn't it?! I've heard all those same things as you have about the early and hard winter. We've had frost a few times now and for the first time ever we had our stove on in September!

  3. Wow, you have alot more color than us right now. It is starting but not super great yet. Always love seeing AHD with your beautiful dogs. You all look great...glad Harold pushed ya out there Susan! I know how motivating he can be! LOl

  4. What a soothing ride...I regret not getting out the last couple of days when I could have! Your colors are vibrant. We have one stretch of our road that is turning, but everything else is still green. I love the moon picture! Thanks for the ride!

  5. Thanks everyone, glad you enjoyed it! Our fall colors are just in spots now, especially swampy areas. I always love the "full bloom" which should be in a week or two.
