It's time to announce the 2013 Grand Prize Winners! Adult & Youth!!
But first I want to thank EVERYONE for participating this past year, you are ALL winners in my book!
With each RAC season, I know every one of us sign up as a means to spending more time with our curlies.
No matter how big or small, if you took a step forward, you deserve a pat on the back.
So kudos to you and THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for joining, promoting and having fun with us!
And a special thank you to those that blogged this past year! Without you, the RAC would seem rather dull! Because of you, we are inspired, motivated and encouraged! It is especially fun seeing pics and video from around the world, knowing we are all sharing in the same love, that of the curly horse. It is by far, my favorite part of the contest. =]
Oh, and lastly, Thank you to those that took the time to turn in your logging forms. I know it takes alot of work logging all year long, but you did a great job. I love the ones that come in with scribbles and coffee stains!! They are the BEST! =]
Ok drum roll please....the winners are!
ADULT: Marion Huurman of Hidden Cave Curly Ranch in KY
YOUTH: Ashley Ostman of Mackinac City, Michigan
There will be no RAC for 2014. But will resume for 2015! Stay tuned for details this coming fall.
However, rest assured I have plans for some fun things thsi year!! So stay tuned to to see what happening!
Or stop in and visit my facebook page:
Enjoy those Curlies!!