We trained again today (no pictures, sorry) but we had a great ride and when Traveler is "on", he is absolutely awesome. When he's not, it's a long, hard day. I have memorized our dressage test and so has Traveler - :). His only "hitch" is any jump that looks really solid, and then he will over jump to beat the band. We took a 3 foot log at Deep Creek and were at least 8 feet in the air - not good. We worked on that today, having him rate me and now he's getting to where he will "ask" if we are going to jump instead of just forging on ahead desperate to save me from the killer log he has to "fly" over. I can stay on when we "fly" but keeping in the saddle when we land is a different story.
This Sunday I will head back to take on the "killer" log again, hopefully, at an appropriate jumping height and my confidence will be back. Tallyho!
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