It's been quite a while since I've really said much in terms of what I've been doing with my Curlies, not for lack of doing, but lack of time to tell.
I've been working with Epona, Lyra, and Rhys, under saddle quite a bit. As you know I've recently started Lyra jumping and she is continuing to do really well with that. Epona is just so easy and laid back about everything she's not been coming out as often and when she does she's been quickly conscripted to helping me with riding lessons, which she is such a patient and gentle teacher, it makes what I have to teach so much easier, at this point anyway, very relaxing soul to be with, she is. I've been implementing an intention of mine to enrich the environments my youngsters are in. Both the girls and the boys have lots of new items in their pastures now. Added a helium balloon and wind spinners this weekend, repositioned their cavalettis, and am working on a new tunnel items with my new Nerf noodles, for outside their pastures, to walk through.
Thought I'd send a couple videos and pics about what we've been doing aside from that...
Brandon got a truck a couple weeks ago, a big Dodge 2500 Diesel, Cummins engine, short box, quad-cab, 'arctic' white, great little Beast. :-) I've been making as good of use as I can afford to re-fuel, having this new addition tot he family.
We're trying out our first haylage bales, picked up two on Saturday, so far, they're great! Had my first real ah-ha break through moment with Memri (BCF Enjolique Remember Me, from Lisa Wytiaz's Bash Curl Farm II), she was a little concerned having this monster truck drive around her pasture with these big white marshmallows on top of it. Xandra, Rogue, Rora, and Ravyn have been in their field with us driving hay around, before, so they just followed after, Memri wasn't too sure though. Did she sprint off though? No, she came over and stood shoulder to shoulder with me as I directed Brandon to drive the hay where I wanted it, she then followed me around the whole time as I helped off load the bales, position them and get the feeder back up around the bale. When I left the hay to head over to the mare's field for round two with the other bale, she made to come with me. She was just so calm and assured with me, I hated to leave her. Was really her first moment of showing such a clear preference for feeling safe and secure with me rather than her fellow horse friends or another person. Was really nice! :-)
Right, so We have also been heading into Capitol Forest with a mountain bike for Brandon and with two of the Curlies. Our first trip was with Lyra ponying Xandra, they both did really well! Here's a couple of clips of Xandra ponying behind Lyra and I, easy and quiet and calm as can be:
...and then the next we switched off and Xandra ponied behind Brandon and his mountain bike!!
and one more, you have to wait a little while for something to happen, but once it does, well, it's great!
Then we went out again on Saturday afternoon (I got out of work early!), this time with Lyra and Epona and a mountain bike.
Dorothy came along for the ride, was a beautiful, sunny day, a brisk breeze blowing, lots of people out doing target practice things, ugh. We did a bunch of huge hills, trotted a bit, walked a lot, and had a Great time!! Dorothy hadn't trotted before, she said she was game for it though, so we did, she did very well with Epona, the two seemed very content and calm with each other, which was wonderful to see. This was Epona's first time off the property this year. True to form she took it all in stride.
Iris, my German Shepherd was along for the trip too, she enjoyed the adventure quite a bit. Parker and Gavyn were home on lay-up unfortunatly, Parker's still recovering from getting hit by a logging trip almost two months ago and Gavyn... I'm not sure, but his stifle is inflamed and he's a little gimpy on it, so he's on rimadyl for inflammation and restricted movement. It was a really great day though!, pics are attached.
I'm hoping to take Shaylise (my niece) out with Lyra and Epona this weekend, should be fun! and also get Xandra out with Memri, hope there's time, I think it should be a really terrific experience for all involved though!
~Heather Keller
Standing *Rhys and *Sandor
Incredible, Versatile, Hypoallergenic, and Athletic
American Bashkir Curly Horses
Skygazerranch. com
HEATHER!!!! THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN!!!!! I love how Brandon set up the camera and then along you all come! I am sitting here with the biggest grin on my face! I am going to wake my husband up if I don't keep the laughter down. =] I LOVE the idea of ponying with the bike..I might try that with Reese! What a hoot. I also think it's awesome that Brandon comes along on your rides, but still does what he loves to do (biking) but is still involved. What a great thing. Xandra is so lovely!! Her temperament just shines and I love her build and the way she moves. She has really come into her own.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the great ride as I sit here sipping my coffee so early this a.m. =] I know you are busy, so this post means alot!!
Wow - you guys have been really busy! Good for you - super about the new truck too.
ReplyDeleteDid you set the self timer for some of those pictures? We have had SO many laughs doing that on when we are out riding - and trying to look "natural" for the picture LOL.
Thanks Denise and Shelly,
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I've been REALLY busy, was glad to finally get a little of what we've been up to posted! Denise, You should definitly try ponying Reese from a bike, if nothing else it builds Curly character... or wait, Reese has enough character to share, well, it's a great experience none the less! And thank you for your compliments on Xandra, I'm really happy with how she's turning out myself, she is such a good, well balanced, nicely moving, level headed individual, I just Love her more and more with each passing day.
Only set up the pics where you can see two horses and their riders along with a biker and his bike :-), was a lot of fun trying to figure that out. Lyra stood lovely until the light started doing the fast blink indicating ti was about to take the picture, then she got all antsy and tried walking around, so much for a nice pic, one or both of us looked goofy in a lot of those. Was fun though, and yes, I really enjoyed the one where there's just this loooonnnngggg nothingness and then - right on past the camera we go a walkin', so great to see how that went, very relaxed and uncomplicated.
Right, Thank You. :-)