Friday, December 24, 2010

A Christmas Message from the Girls

I visited with my girls for a bit this afternoon during a break from the cooking and cleaning. They told me that they had a message for my RAC friends.

Whinney reminds us to make sure we get plenty of rest and to take care of ourselves amidst all the hustle and bustle.

Jen would like to make sure that everybody has a good meal in their bellies each and every day, not just at Christmas time.

April told me to make sure that we spend time with our family and friends, and enjoy their company. And to love them no matter how grouchy they can be sometimes.

and Lakota said "Don't forget what Christmas is really all about"


  1. Michelle, tell your Girls Merry Christmas from me and Didder, and thank you for the cute reminders!

  2. And back atchaq and Thank the girls and to yourself for the thought and effort behind this wonderful reminder post.
