Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Foster George is awesome

Today I worked with George again . He was playing catch me with one of the mares. But making him believe you have a treat is...game over for him :-)

This was the second time I saddled him and he acted like it was all normal. The cinch the stirrups dangling to his belly , he was all fine with it.

We had rain.. freezing rain..rain so everything is a mudslide including the arena, roundpen and trails. So I decided to go for a walk. We just have a new boarding horse and the owner had not a proper saddle yet, so she joined us.

George was having fun, walking along exploring the trails for the first time ever.
Sometimes I would JUMP or Wave my arms and he would spook. But he needs to know it is all alright sudden strange  like that happen. In the end he was all relaxed and I did some groundwork in a field.

When we walked back towards to barn I felt warm air in my hair. George was giving me a kiss snuggle on my pony tail. That was such a melt moment . He is a sweet horse.

We have some obstacles set up and I walked him true a tunnel with rope dangling . He just followed without any hesitation . Boy I was so proud of him.

When I got him unsaddled and gave him a treat the phone rang.....somebody interested in adopting. That would be great. George loves to have a job and his very own human to take care of him.

Sorry forgot my camera no pic today.

Marion , Hidden Cave Ranch, KY


  1. You are doing such a great job with him, Marion! George (T-Bar) is going to be a great horse for someone one day soon. Lets keep our fingers crossed about this potential adoptor!

  2. It's such an interesting process how some of these guys have gone quickly from being scaredy-cats to Love Bigs!! Thank you, Marion, for all the time you spend on the CHR's boys!!

  3. That was supposed to say "Love Bugs!" Fingers are in need of more coffee!!
