Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Today is another perfect day. Actually it's in the thirties and sunny, the ski is so blue it is dazzling. This morning it looked like it had snowed with all of the thick frost covering everything, absolutely spectacular!
I have to leave for work in a moment, but got to get out with Lyra for a little over an hour. We started off working on some lightness exercises on the ground. Then we we worked on some mounted exercises on bending and trot/walk, trot/canter, canter/trot, trot/walk transitions. Lyra is great moving in a circle to the right, however she is very stiff bending to the left. I'm not sure if it stems from having her left hind stifle lock when she is out of shape or if it is just how one sided she is naturally, or what, but we did a lot of circles to the left today, still a little dizzy. Then we went out for a nice little trail ride (emphasis on little, about a mile), I worked on my core muscles going in two point most of the way. Lyra is still standing at the gate begging for an early dinner, which is not happening. I had a good time, I think she mostly had a good time also and I am looking forward to a repeat tomorrow. Her canter is incredible comfortable btw. :-)

1 comment:

  1. well skis are nice too, although I meant the sky, I think I'm sleep deprived.
