Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Lyle and Re-Learning

Dear Reader,

Lyle is doing very much better today. He is re-learning how to be ridden. (For all of us, man and beast, it is always hard to unlearn bad habits and then to relearn good habits. It is much easier to learn the right way in the beginning.) But now Lyle is starting to learn about softness and he is starting to seek that softness. The two attached pictures show what I mean. You will see that one of my arms is raised and the macarty rein is resting against Lyle's neck. This is the beginning of teaching Lyle how to neck rein. Lyle is a horse that wants to learn how to be soft. I think that he will enjoy neck reining. Of course, neck reining will be used more and more as he get into the bit.

Soon, when the time is right, Lyle and I will ride in completely open country. But I want him to be ready for this. That is why he and I are doing our "home work" before heading out into the big, wide forest and meadow.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.


Penny Johnson

Kootenai Curly Horses

Boners Ferry, Idaho


  1. Penny,
    Love you spirit lady{:> You and Lyle will be rewarded many times over for your compassion and devotion to his training.
    P.S. Give kudos to your photographer for taking great photos of you and Lyle.

  2. Looks like Lyle is pretty comfortable and willing, better to take many small steps forward than one big leap and 10 backwards. Lyle is a pretty lucky man to be getting a great restart.


  3. Ladies,
    Thank you. Your encouragement means the world to me.

  4. Lovely pictures of you and Lyle. He is a handsome horse!

  5. Jessica,
    Thank you. He and I still have a ways to go. There are times when he still wants to resist the bosal. But they are becoming fewer and fewer, and less intense. So we will get there.
