Friday, November 18, 2011

CSI HOY Awards and Traveler's Last Run

Hi Everyone - I have pretty much gone into horse hibernation for the winter - we have one last weekend clinic to attend and then Traveler's gets a few months off for good behavior. :)

But I finally was able to convert my DVD into a YouTube video and so I wanted to post our last run. Traveler - my lovely steed - received the CSI Horse of the Year Award for Combined Training and what a great way to end the season.

Well - congrats to all the other HOY winners - I know how much hard work, time and effort it takes to compete all year and keep at it.

Just to recap - Traveler and I finished up the year by competing last month at the USEA Recognized 3-Day Event - NW Fall Gala and Championships.
We came, we competed and through some miracle of all the stars aligning, we placed in the top 3! I could not even believe it. We had two days of perfect scores. And since we placed in the top 4 at the specific qualifying event, we are now eligible to compete in the USEA Open Novice Championships for 2012. I could never have dreamed this would happen.
Who Says Curlies Can't Jump?
Here is the YouTube Video of Traveler and I at Cross-Country and Stadium. Check out his ears - they are forward the whole time and you can just tell he is loving every second of it.

TT until Spring
Liz and Traveler


  1. Liz, what a blast to be able to see you and Traveler in video. He is so handsome and athletic. Thanks for posting this for all of us to see. You two are remarkable!!!

  2. Susan is right. You are a remarkable team! I love seeing you and Traveler in competition. Off to watch the video now!! Thanks for the two are my Curly ambassadors!

  3. Congratulations, Liz and Traveler! He is looking better every time I see him - definitely coming into his own. Great to see him on the video!

  4. Lovely lady and handsome, athletic Curly - you make us proud{:>

  5. I love your film! You two look great and indeed ears forward and having fun!
