Saturday, November 12, 2011

Yielding UPwards

Dear Reader,
It has been snowing here, very dark and the snow is wind driven. No pictures because I was working along. I have continued with Mr. Philippe Karl's teaching in his book "The Twisted Truths of Modern Dressage." In this book he teaches how to re-train a horse that has been forced to go behind the vertical and over bend.
Lyle and I did some ground work with the halter. We also did some riding. No pictures because I was working alone. I am learning how it feels when a horse yields UPwards. Here is what is so interesting. Once you get used to the upwards yielding feel, it is very easy to perceive it when it happens. Here is what is even more interesting: It is the act of yielding that relaxes the horse. The direction of the yield seems to not matter. It is the act of yielding itself that relaxes. Because Lyle was never over bent in an upwards direction, he is starting to trust the yield in that direction. This allows me to raise the base of his neck while being ridden. It also gives him a cue so that he does not have to curl into hyper flexion, or rollkur. I am working so that this upward yield has a good foundation in him. Here is one more thing that is very interesting, once yielded the horse's jaw becomes very, very relaxed and nicely, calmly mobile. Later I think that this upward yielding can be generalized in his mind to yielding in other directions.
Pictures to come when Wayne can be there to take them.
Thank you for sharing the journey that Lyle and I are taking.
Penny Johnson
Bonners Ferry, Idaho USA


  1. Penny,
    Congratulations on building trust with Lyle...Angie

  2. Thank you, Angie. I am so very impressed with what Mr. Philippe Karl has written in his book. He has given me the "missing key" to help Lyle.
