Saturday, December 31, 2011

final post of 2011

Zoe did a great job highlighting some of our fond moments of the RAC past...  I have to also post one or two of our comedic memories.. just for Denise -- I know she loves a good giggle :)  then i guess.. it's auld lang syne for the group as it is here :)

last year -- our curly and me challenge... Fiona and popping balloons I did finally get one to pop

 we've traveled together --
 from downtown

to the top of the mountain

sidewalks and highways...  trail and rivers -- we've had fun galore :)

finally -- another last laugh -- daughter suppresses laughter while mother is nearly swept away by current 

so once again Denise -- thank you :)


  1. THIS WAS SO GREAT! Thanks for the chuckle again, Betsy! I don't remember that balloon popping....or whatever it was! That was freakin hilarious!!! And of course, always love that classic Betsy laugh! thank you so much for careful in those currents next year, ya hear?? Apparently Zoe won't be there with a life raft..she will be too busy laughing and videoing! LOL (I think my daughter would do the same!) HAPPY NEW YEAR!

  2. Your laugh is so infectious! And I loved hearing Zoe snort as you were swept away in the river; that was just too funny and exactly what my kids would have done. Keep on filming while mom washes away, HA HA! What a pair you two make. Boy, am I ever going to miss reading your posts. Your photos are so scenic and beautiful, and I especially like the one of you two coming down that steep hill into town. You two win the award for the most daring and adventurous. Thank you for all the entertainment and verve you have brought to my morning coffee time.

  3. I always love your posts! You two are such an awesome pair and your adventures are unbelievable. I really hope I get to visit your farm someday. Happy 2012!
