Sunday, December 18, 2011

Merry Christmas from Conroy's Curly Horses!

(As administrator & prize giver, I am not part of the voting so this post does not have an entry number. This was just for fun. =])

Christmas Cheer is spreading from this blog all the way to the Conroy home. =] I had all my decorations purchased and my plan in place. With Tom's help we successfully got our annual Christmas photo completed, whew! (bottom of post) Then with a little more snow Saturday night, I really got the fever to ride on Sunday. I passed by all the decoration as I headed out the door and thought....hummm...I think I will "deck my horse too!" Reese has certainly been on the receiving end of such shenanigans so it was Bear's turn. He was such a trooper! 

Making last minute adjustments...

All set, ready to hit the trails....jingle bells jingling and
I have my  caroling voice all tuned up. =]
Well, enough for the deer to hear anyway. lol

Bear was so pretty all red and green against the  limited color scenery.
On the way home, we decided to take the highway..what the heck. May as well spread some Christmas cheer to the passerbys. The roads were wet so the cars made extra noise zipping by, but NONE of that bothered Bear. He seems to understand vehicles and knows they are not a threat or worry. It's fantastic! I am sure some people thought were were a bit crazy. lol. 

And here is the process of getting our Annual Christmas photo taken. I believe there were at least 30 takes. =]

Ok boys...let's get organized for our Annual Christmas Photo!
Denise: "Reese...hello? Pay attention, buddy."
Bear: "I can't walk and eat at the same time."

Reese: "ok, come on....I'm ready! It's Mr. Perfect this time, not me!"
Zig: "I just want to get this silly thing over...
I am a rugged Mead horse for heaven sake!"
Reese: " took too long...remember,
I am 'attention deficient'....I sure like your hat!"
Zig: "Hey, my antler broke....
I guess I'll be quiet, I don't need any
more fussing!"

HURRY take the picture Tom! 
Merry Christmas from Conroy's Curly Horses! Left to right: Reese, Zig and Bear.

I just couldn't resist posting this. I mean, with Betsy & Zoe doing such an outstanding job, I mean..what
can possibly be done that hasn't already?? 

I bet Betsy doesn't have a talking curly. lol


  1. Well Denise you sure out did me with the decorations and you even had a lot more snow.
    Great pictures fantastic job and patience.
    Merry Christmas to you.

  2. I really like how you decorated the horses!

  3. Thanks everyone! Harold, it was crazy trying to decorate 3 horses and not let them roll, rub or whatever before picture time. I was hustling! =] Janeen, it sure wasn't creative like yours! But we had fun and I love seeing them all decked in green and red. They just make me smile!!

  4. I just love Reese's message! Beautiful pictures, thanks so much for the Christmas season smiles and reminder to take time to smell the roses.

  5. Denise,
    Wonderful photos...and Reese wins my heart with his message.
