Tuesday, July 21, 2009

30 Day Mini Contest for August - PROMOTION!

Hi Everyone!

I hope you are all having a great summer and meeting some of your personal goals for the RAC contest. Thanks to everyone who continue to share! It is the highlight of my day to visit this blog and see all your adventures and awesome photos!

Okay, on to the next Mini Contest! This is to spur you all to get your mouths going and start talking CURLY. This contest will help you to learn to look for opportunities to talk with those around you about the curly horse. You will get points for everytime you share something about the breed to someone AND bonus points if you share them here on this blog! (my little way of also getting some of you non-writers out of lurker-mode. ;-)

To prepare for this contest, be sure your RAC tshirt is washed and ready! Wear it as much as you can to encourage conversation with strangers or friends. Check local riding groups to join up with them in August to go on a group trail ride or find out about other activities in your area you can participate in to further promote the breed. County fairs are big this time of year. Write articles for local or national magazines or your local newspaper. There is so much you can do to get the word out and get points for doing so. If you have an idea, just email me!

Point system:
Taking your curly off your property and promoting: 20 points first day, 10 points for each additional day.
Inviting people to your property to promote: 15 points
Talking with a person about curlies: 5 points for every person you speak to about the breed.
Writing an article: 20 points
Sharing your story here on the blog: 5 points per post.

To download the contest form, visit http://curlyhorsecountry.com/RACforms.htm
See August contest form.

Any questions, please contact me: denise.conroy@gmail.com



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