Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Adrenaline Rush

Today was all about establishing good leadership with *Suncatcher and Dude. First, let me explain that it is one of those days where you think to yourself: “Self, should I really work with a horse in wind like this?” But then you say, “Sure, it’s a perfect time to establish good leadership.” The only thing you’ve forgotten is how hard it can be when there are THOUSANDS OF HORSE EATING MONSTERS and the horses have forgotten that you really are as good as you’ve been telling them you are.

In short, both *Sun and Dude had hissy-fits once down in the lower pastures; they both exploded but in different ways.  In the end, they saw that I would stay with them, keep them safe and bring them "home" again. I kept at it with them, walking, staying calm, keeping safe myself, and I can only hope that they learned they could depend on me.  I have written more detail about it in the GMC Blog, so I won't repeat it all.
I’m left with thoughts: Was it because of the wind? (Could be) Was it their lack of trust in me? (Could be) Perhaps they are herd-bound? (Could be) I’m thinking it was all of the above and all that means is that I have to keep working at it little by little.

I can say though, that wind is whipping pretty powerfully.


  1. Adria, hard tellin' not knowin' - but I would agree with you, all three reasons (with the wind as number 1), so you did quite a fine job if everyone ended up back home in one piece! Super! :)

  2. Good for you, Adria for not letting the windy conditions stop you! Every little step gets you where you are going....*cheers!*

  3. Adria, great job in the wind!! It's good to take advantage of it as an obstacle to conquer! The site I ordered my Bitless bridle from is

  4. I think the wind combined with lack of recent exercise can surely give them some energy for inspired antics. :P Sage is not much affected by the wind normally--even extremely windy days. But I do remember about a month ago where I hadn't ridden him in maaybe 10 days? And the wind was definitely an issue then. Great to hear you got out there anyway! I think putting our horses in situations where they do have to look to us for leadership can be good feedback as well as good relationship-building territory. :)


  5. Bravo for hanging in there with your Curlies in the rough weather....sometimes I think they gain a closer relationship with us as riders in those situations. Be careful and keep up the good work.
