Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Two new encounters!!!

I have finally made it back here to get my post on!! Linus has had some big accomplishments over the past few days. The heat and rain have relented enough to allow me more time with him through the week. So, I have tried to take full advantage and get him out more like we had been in the spring.
The photos below were all taken the same night....actually in the order they appear for once too!! I am so impressed with how Linus is growing; physically and mentally.
Yesterday evening I did some ground driving with Linus because I picked up some rubber bit guards and I wanted to see if they made a difference and they definitely did!! We went to the near end of the road and back. He is getting so much better at listening to my cues faster. He is getting really good with turning too. My highlight of our outing was when 2 kids approached us on bicycles. I tried not to let my excitement pass to Linus before they reached us because this was the first time we had been met by cyclists on the road....he was magnificent!!! Didn't do much other than watch them approach with pricked up ears and then kept on going once they passed. We had a good turn around at the end of the road and then we trotted a little bit of the way back...not too much because that means I have to trot too!!
Today, the house going up beside the farm was having their well dug. There were 2 massive trucks there. Very noisy and one way up in the air drilling the well. No way was I letting an opportunity like this pass me by...what a great chance to expose Linus to this new and nasty thing. He had been hearing the noise all day so that part wasn't new but the sight would be and the rhythm of the power supply was constantly changing too. I prepared myself to have a bit of a struggle just in case it did scare him but he was an absolute gem. I was so proud of him. On the way back we had some reminding about the fact that I was in charge and no he cannot stop for grass when he wants to. He took his correction and kept on, resigned to the fact that he wasn't getting away with anything and would just have to be a good boy and get his reward when we got back....which is taking the harness off, getting a rub down and then his hay for the night. I do not want to shower him in treats after our sessions. I knew of a horse that expected that and would be a nightmare to handle because when you turned her to head for the barn she would grab the bit and bolt and all you could do was hang on. She was primarily ridden and very spoiled by kids who did nothing but bring her "candy".
Linus was also a very good boy for the farrier last week. Karalee (Whirlwind Curlies) was there and commented on how flashy he is getting and how good his feet are....and of course I stand there like the proud peacock!!!

Linus: 15 months old



1 comment:

  1. Don't you just love those great Curly feet? (they will save you a ton of money, too) Linus sure is a steady fellow to already have the gumption to put up with kids on bikes and well drilling equipment. You sure have yourself a winner there!
