Saturday, October 2, 2010

Two Oopsies

Hints of color everywhere in Maine now. I took AhD out last Sunday, and he was a twit. Grace had a lot of fun, though.
Today we headed out for Marshall Pond. Grace couldn't accompany us because of the road travel. AhD was sometimes good and sometimes annoying. I bet I was annoying to him, too, because I wouldn't let him turn for home the 1,000 times he tried it.
But with scenery this beautiful, how annoyed could I be?The woods were dark and quiet.
The trail was covered with beautiful fallen leaves.

My first Oopsie was thinking that this offshoot from the known trail went somewhere.
NO, it didn't, and no, we didn't jump that log!
I stopped to tighten the girth, and I could tell AhD was annoyed at ME. I chose a place where there was nothing for him to eat! He stomped his leg in protest. I ignored him, just like he had been ignoring MY leg on his 1,000 tries for home. Tit for tat!
We reached the pond.Gorgeous!Peaceful. The sun looked like diamonds on the water, and the water lilies were really pretty.

My cell rang. It was my husband, telling me his mother and sister were on their way to our house, EARLY, for supper. Oopsie #2! Of course I did not clean before I left to go riding because I was in an all-fire hurry to hit the trails on this beautiful day. So, speaking of all-fire hurry...we trotted fast and/or cantered ALL THE WAY back to Hebron Academy. We passed this guy on the trail who asked, "Did you see any kids out there?" We did NOT stop trotting! I said, "Nope," and put a little more leg on AhD, since I did not know this guy. AhD seemed to think he was alright, though, but I think AhD was pretty busy trying to figure out just why I was not giving him a breather. He gave me a couple of good shies over nothing I could see, but I stuck right with him and made him keep going.
I let him walk up the road. He did not care for this political sign. I guess he is not going to vote Yes on 1. ;) My in-laws beat me home and saw the messy kitchen, but I guess they still love me. :)
We had steak on the grill, and AhD got his reward, too. Tomorrow I am looking forward to trailering out to ride with friends!


  1. Dear Susan,
    Never worry, I have often been told ....good equestrian ladies never have spotless homes, rather good balanced seats{:>
    Great photos - love the colors. Enjoy your ride with friends tomorrow. Hug AhD for me.

  2. Hey Susan,
    This is a problem I've been having with Sage lately as well. He tries to turn around and go home a million times on the way out, is slow and pokey...then has lots of get-up-and-go as soon as we turn around and head for home.

    I'm curious to hear about what you figure out to help with AhD. So far I've learned that Sage gets this way when he's a.) in pain (he recently had thrush and his feet were soft enough that the harder dirt roads were bothering him) and b.) when it's dinner time and he's hungry.

    People suggested that I try making him go faster whenever he tried to turn around, because clearly I wasn't keeping him busy enough if he was questioning my leadership. I've also tried giving him more to do, like 10 steps of walk, 10 steps sitting trot, 5 steps walk, 5 steps back up. Or even 10 steps walk, 10 of trot, 10 of canter, 10 of trot, 10 of walk, halt. 9 of walk, 9 of trot, 9 canter, 9 trot...etc.

    That helps some...but I think mostly it happens when he's in pain or hungry. I've been sort of ticked at him the last 4 rides or so, but then this weekend I really made sure everything was taken care of and he was wonderful. So...I guess I have to learn to listen more. Am curious to hear how it goes with AhD, they are all so different!


  3. Thank you Angie, I had a GREAT ride with friends on Sunday, which I will post about when I get time. Nice fall pictures! Brie...yes, I highly doubt that Sage has the OneUpManShip Obsession that AhD is inflicted with. This is what he does to get his way and test me without being totally obnoxious. I know for a FACT that he was completely full before he started on this ride. Also, keeping AhD busy by making him go faster doesn't help us, because then he reacts with fake spooks. Because I had to get home fast on this ride, I didn't have much of a choice, so I just sat the shies and made him keep going. Sorry, this is not very helpful. But I will say that most of the time now he is so wonderful, even when we are not in company with other horses.
