Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I had a chance to work with Linus twice today. A little bit on my lunch break and then a little bit more after work. At lunch he super impressed me by remaining calm and cool while Allie ran round and round calling for him from their pen. He looked at her a few times but more as if to tell her to chill out he would be back. We did some follow the leader work and he was great so then got a treat of fresh green grass!
After work we did what I guess you could call yielding to pressure. I put his lead over his neck and pulled a bit, he immediately turned to come with me and away from the pressure. We repeated several times on each side. He impressed me some more by being very responsive to whoa and backup by this method. It was really cool actually because he was more responsive with a rope around his neck than with a bridle - bitted or bitless.

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