Sunday, February 22, 2009


Today I decided to Finally jump Rhys. I haven't had a jumping partner of my own in several years, I haven't actually jumped at all in about 2 or 3 years, so my form is a little rusty. That said, Rhys did beautifully!!, I was so thrilled with him!! He trotted over the lower jumps, so this one is 2' and then about 3' high, what a rush!! He seemed eager to do more, but I wanted to end on a positive note. Needless to say, I think I've got my jumping partner!! Such a fabulous day!!


  1. OK, now wait a minute Heather...#1 this just looks like WAY too much fun and #2 where do you live??? because you have no snow! We received 2' last night. That is literally 2 feet, no kidding. No more trail rides for me for a while. I would like to try a little jumping with AhD, but we both have never done it before, so it will be the blind leading the blind. Thanks for the post; I enjoyed it.

  2. Thanks Susan!!
    I live in western WA, in Olympia precisely.
    I LOVE jumping!! Thankfully, it would seem Rhys does also. I highly recommend it, I think, once you have good footing you should jump with AhD, although a bunch of ground poles followed by little cavelletti followed by little jumps without you on him would be a better way to start then just launching both of you at one, good way to get hurt... although, in the snow... :-) kidding. Glad you enjoyed the post, I'll post again after our next go around, it's raining non stop here now, hopefully it will let up soon, so the ground is approximately dry enough again for the weekend. :-)

  3. Yes, I am thinking about where I am going to situate the ground poles. There is little flat ground around here to chose from. I am also going to use the star-shaped walkovers...sorry, can't think of what they are called to make him more aware of where he is placing his feet. I also need to read up about it and pick the brains of some friends who jump regularly. Western Washington is too far north for you to have no snow! I hear that part of the country gets a lot of rain.

  4. Ah, yes, it does rain here a lot. Although right now, it is actually snowing... skiing on Friday! Looks like Rhys and I won't be jumping again anytime soon while the ground dries out enough again. :-(
    Picking brains of those who jump a lot sounds good, might jump on that band wagon myself. Trying to learn and prepare for this summer's show season as much as I possibly can while it's not nice outside.
    Good luck with a spot for ground poles, that can be tricky.

  5. Looks like SOO much fun Heather! When I discovered Koko had a talent for jumping I was very excited- then realized we don't have a good place to set up cavalletis or jumps. Oh well- just being on a horse who isn't opposed to hopping over a log or jumping a ditch (or a 4 1/2 foot fence at a standstill- not with me on him though!) is so nice.
