Sunday, February 8, 2009

New riding buddies

Well Brigitte worked hard this past week.  Almost everyday( 2.2,3,4,and 6) we trained for an hour with barn pal Asher on loading on a trailer.  By the 4th she was loading on nicely and spent a half hour buckled in while awaiting Asher to join in.
All of that was for the fun yesterday.  She loaded on in a record 2 minutes with just a look at the whip being tapped behind her on the ground, got a treat and we were on our way with her other barn pal Mari (Arab) because Asher had decided against loading. At the end of the day it was decided that this was to be a blessing as Mari and Brigitte are quiet together while Asher and Brigitte are still a little rambunctious together.  Mari is also in her late 20's, and the "kids" are just better acting around her.
We went to a friend of a friend's indoor arena with a group of 6 of us.  Brigitte was the youngest, hadn't been trailered since her arrival in November, and was only acquainted with Mari.   After she settled in with some hard work on my part I might add, she really reacted quite well.  We even set out obstacles-poles, shower curtain, hula hoops, a mailbox on a post, some barrels.  She took them all on no problem.  I think she impressed the group, and 3 of the women had never met a Curly in person.  Their mix was 3 Arabs, a Paint, and a very handsome Mustang who I think Brigitte might have been intrigued by because he was the only one besides Mari who she didn't react too.
Our biggest obstacle is her "marish" behavior and need for space with those she doesn't know. She is still quick to swing her rear end around if feeling threatened.  I will continue to work on this.  We rode for 3 hours in the arena.  She ended the day well and without much coaxing entered the trailer again to head home, where a late night birthday party  brought many more new visitors and new fans of the breed.  

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