Monday, September 6, 2010

Trail Driving!

Not with the buggy, but I did decide to have a change of scenery and take Linus up a trail beside our farm that leads to two fields. (Its going to be a gorgeous outing in a few weeks when the leaves change.) He loved it!! He really enjoyed trotting up the trail both on the way there and back. The changes of scenery really help to keep him from getting bored. I find he is getting bored easily so every now and then I "whoa" and "stand" and "back up" so that he has to stay on his toes for what I may ask of him.
This picture was from our workout on Saturday. We spent a fair amount of time working on the previous problem spots that I mentioned. Those being the curve in the driveway. It wasn't perfect but after our session of going through that spot over and over he was better. There is long canary grass on both sides of the driveway so the battle is to keep his attention on the task at hand. Today, he did beautifully at this spot so after we done and he was unharnessed...and had a massive end to end gallop and frolic, I put his halter on him and took him over for the grass...actually I might still have that picture on my phone. I also sent a copy to Lynn and to a friend I was talking to about Curlies at the fair today with (pointssss!!!) Unfortunately, it was too late to make arrangements to bring Linus to the fair. It was our County Fair this weekend. But, we did go to watch the heavy horse pull. I wore my RAC shirt and it generated loads of conversation. Actually, the fellow I was talking to has a buckskin QH mare and he wants to breed her to a buckskin Curly stallion...Great news is that Karalee still has Joker; a fantastic buckskin stallion. Fred was also asking about our RAC competition. He saw my shirt and asked where it was, so I informed him. He wants to try the self loading task. He has a horse that doesn't load very well at all. He actually wants a copy of our May mini-challenge. He will be the 3rd person that I have shared that with. I should make loads of copies of it to keep with me!!
So, it was a great day at the fair. Actually some of the people I was talking to gave me the idea of putting Linus in the parade next year. It's really got me thinking about doing it. I think he would definitely handle the crowds and excitement by then. And its nearby so I can take him down to show him the area before the fair. Something to ponder for sure.


  1. Donna, I just LOVE that picture of you ground driving Linus along the trail. His little ears are perked right forward. Are you getting fit from all the trotting you are doing? I think it is cool that you are copying our May mini contest for other horse people. What a nice thing to do! :)

  2. The parade would be awesome, Donna! You sure are having fun with your boy!!
