Saturday, March 7, 2009

70 Degrees and Smiling!

It's around 70 degrees out today! I'm excited about my 'Curly' summer. Stella (BHC Majic Wind) is my 4 year old straight curly with the personality of a curious baby goat. We are currently working with ground driving. She understands, and wants to please me so much. When we started working with the curlys, I could notice the difference between the personalities. The way they wanted to get it right, not to displease, or disapoint us. It's utterly amazing. Stella has been in a stall the last several days, she likes it, but not the horses around her. I think her being in the stall will help with all the comotion of us around her. I bring her out every morning, and every morning she flairs her nose and acts as if something is going to gobble her up. She didn't today though. There's improvement there. We have three baby goats in the barn along with her. They are always jumping around in front of her. She doesn't seem to mind them either. I've gotten lot's of improvement just by stalling her at night!!
Soon, hopefully we can bye a horse cart for her to learn to drive. That will take alot of time. I've trained a mini already.

The foals are under trailer training. Getting ready to leave. =( Three go in and out already. Imagine seeing a little curly foal trailing behind his mom on a trail. We have pictures, I think. They run and buck! Lexi, Lightning and Franky have been on the trails. They're also the ones who can load a trailer already. I can't wait for April, and Little Lightning to be Ground Driving. If you haven't noticed Ground Driving is our new adventure with the curlys.

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