Sunday, March 1, 2009

Kendahl Rides Rowan

I (Kendahl) got to ride my girl "Rowan" in the areas that didn't have ice.  I can't wait until we can start riding more. Misty is going to train Rowan very soon, so I can ride her by myself all the time.

*Posted by Denise for Cozy Nook Curlys, Washington


  1. Awww....How old is Rowen? Reminds me of Molly-she is 7 she trots bareback all over the property on Chy-he takes great care of her!

  2. Isn't she cute, Deirdre!? Kendahl is in our 12 and under RAC group. I love seeing such little ones promoting the breed. ;-)

  3. Hi Deirdre. Kendahl is just 8 and Rowan will be 8 in August. I think these 2 are going to make a great team.
