Thursday, April 11, 2013

I Feel like Dancing....Dancing....

We held a wonderful Cowboy Dressage Clinic at our ranch last weekend...and I learned so much with my Curly Man, Chester. We are perfecting our side passes and it's more fun than dancing with my hubby{:>

Angie and Chester
Golden Curls Ranch
Kaufman, Texas, USA


  1. What an absolutely BEAUTIFUL picture of you both. It ought to be framed. Glad to hear you are out having fun, as usual!

  2. No thanks Angie, I don't want to dance with your husband, I also would rather ride the horse, and a fine one he is,,,,I just wanna know, where is all the snow??? It won't quit here,

  3. great pix - you both look good! what fun that clinic must have been, good for you two. when you are done with your side passes come over and help me out! Traveler hates moving his hind end over. :)
