Monday, January 26, 2015

Proper fit and a Lippizan?

Today I worked both my mares....Lady worked on the lunge line first, and then I adjusted her harness some and hitched up and drove.  With my latest adjustments I discovered Lady was telling me THIS is the fit that works for me. We drove a while, she was comfortable ....such a great feeling to achieve!  and....
Legacy and I had some fun..I worked Legacy on the lunge line. She was having a "I am going to out think you" day and performed some amazing typical Lippizan (high level dressage) task.....a piaffe, some athletic things that I am sure have no names, and a session of lead changes at the canter on the lunge mare is FUN !!!!  she has athletic ability to spare and always tries so, we worked until she actually listened to me and did what I told was a good day. Tomorrow is farrier work and an afternoon lesson. I should have photos to share after my lesson.


  1. So much enjoy reading about your Curly adventures, wish there were pictures from today, but looking forward to pictures after your lesson. Sounds like a Great day!!! :-)

  2. sorry! my lesson got cancelled, my teacher had car trouble....we rescheduled for next week!
