Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I am so far behind!

I am so far behind blogging and also recording my riding/working with horses that I doubt I will ever catch up!  But I did want to say that a couple of weeks ago I took my two young stallions to the Armstrong Breeder's Showcase - we were a huge success there and we educated a few more people about what a Curly horse is.  I have two incredible young stallions that I was able to showcase there - here they are - first is *BCF Icon, *Icon is also standing at stud at my farm :)
and second is my homebred Appaloosa Curly stallion *Snowman's Magic.  *Snowy is also for sale and will stand at stud until sold.  

I have more photos of our display and stuff, but I just don't have time to go looking for them right now.  Suffice to say that I was very pleased with both of these young stallions, they are only two years old and I worked with them for a couple of weeks before this event and they were subjected to numerous baths, then trailering and stabling in a strange barn for the weekend - they were simply awesome!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Pizza Box Trot

I am beginning the post with a short video that will lend a clue as to our trip on Sunday with Nimue. If you guessed that we took a long cart ride and brought pizza with us  - you are only half correct.

A friend and I trotted in the cart over the back roads to Chester to the local pizza 'joint' for supper.

I always snap a photo here - it's one of the prettiest views in Chester as we trot by Crow Hill Farm.

Miss Nimue has not been out much this spring -- so she's just taking it easy today -- it's hot, humid and lots of hills. Nice slow trot on her new barefoot trim!

When we get to the bottom of Flamstead Road -- all downhill work for Nimue - we turn left onto Green Mountain Turnpike... part of the old turnpike road for stagecoaches from Boston. 

In all the photo's, you can see I sit and drive from the wrong side... a bad habit formed a long time ago.

At the end of the Turnpike road - we stop, look both ways and turn right out onto the highway for a bit. 

We zip into the parking lot of our destination -- The Pizza Stone.  They make a nice home made pizza here. Also - you can get gluten free pizza - which is why I love it !

While we wait for our order - we do some touristy style posing.

Still waiting for our pizza to pop out of the oven -- we are entertained by the live band that is playing this evening.  it also gives Nimue a nice breather before heading back UP the hills.

We even get curb side service today !!  Darlene (part owner) brings our little gluten free pizza out to us. 

I just have to have a slice before we get back in the cart to trot home.

Big pizza smile

Yummy yummy... this is what it's all about !!

with our box of pizza - we trot back down Elm Street for a slight change of scenery.

Pass Chester's Town Hall -- where they have several ladders set up and men are painting the steeple.  You can see Nimue raises her ears for that.

There's the train station -- this part of Chester is called Chester Depot.  There are days when that station is mighty busy.

Snacking on pizza along the way -- we had a lovely trot home !!  Fun Fun --  As we near the farm -- I stop and give myself and Miss Nimue a BIG treat --- a few fast trots through our neighborhood flood !! That cooled her off -- the water is cold ! and pretty deep.

it's later in the day -- not so much light .. the water is shadowy and dark and I can barely make out the boundaries of the narrow road beneath the water -- I don't want to drive us off into the very deep part !! 

This was fun relaxing little trip -- Nimue is a fun pony, always up for whatever pops into my mind. I am really wishing someone would buy her and have a lifetime of fun with her !! You can see she is about capable of anything .. she loves this deep water so maybe she'd even be a marathon pony !

Enjoy ~
Betsy and OYY Nimue and friend in Vermont :)

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Another First Ride

My nephew, Griffin, always love to help with Linus and has been waiting and waiting to be able to have a ride. He isn't a very big kid so I figured there was no harm in him having a little ride and it would also be excellent for Linus as well. Griffin was a bit nervous about it at first. He lives in the city so even though he enjoys it, he doesn't get to spend too much time around the large animals. He wasn't on Linus long though before he was relaxed and was scratching his withers.

Sorry for the photo quality. We used my Mom's camera and then had to resize the photos. We all look a bit distorted!

The exrta pads that came with my helmet helped it to fit Griffin perfectly.

Griffin on Linus, I'm holding him and my Dad is holding Allie. Linus just looks so relaxed I think if we stood there much longer he was going to fall asleep.

Off we go! I'm really not sure who was happier; Griffin for having his first ever horseback ride, or me for how well Linus behaved. He was so careful not to do anything that would make Griffin nervous. We have barely met any traffic the last few days and in a short time today we met 4 vehicles! Griffin was so comfortable he was waving at them with a big smile on his face. Thankfully everyone who went by slowed down and also waved back. It was a huge success.
Linus was rewarded with baby carrots as a treat when we got back. He loved all the attention he got! Especially from the kids!

Lunenburg, ON Canada

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Driving again...finally

Tonight I am playing catch up. Poor internet connection has prevented me from my posts for the last 3 days. After about 30 minutes I managed to comment on a few but when it came time to do my post the internet gave up! Figures. Then my phone overheated with the photos I was waiting to load so you will have to wait for them as well! If my memory card didn't fry along with the phone!
Thursday night we took the horses out for a nice walk. Linus is doing so well with his manners. Both horses went at a pretty good clip on the way there but on the way back they were draggin! I have the cutest picture of Linus and Essa. Essa is our 12 year old Newfoundland dog. She's the sweetest dog you could ever want to meet. Well, on the way back Linus kept stopping to wait for Essa and then Essa kept waiting for Linus. It was the funniest thing to watch that one wouldn't continue without the other. I don't know how they have come to be so attached but they are. The only worrying thing about that is that for a Newfie, Essa is considered ancient! But, she is still in very good health and is a very active dog.
Yesterday, it was pouring rain so we weren't able to do a whole lot with the horses. However, we have become very accustomed to working them in the rain since it doesn't ever seem to stop. And it was only 12C here yesterday too so we haven't even had much heat!
Today was disgustingly humid (are we ever happy with the weather?) but we did manage to get the horses out when it wasn't too bad. I haven't ridden Linus again because I want to be very careful not to overdo it with him. So, instead, we did some ground driving today. I haven't had the harness on him since the snow was flying and it was also the first time he was on the road with Allie while being driven. To say I was pleased is an understatement. He was incredible. He was light and very responsive. I thought I would be battling to stay off the roadsides where the grass is long but he was great. I carried a driving whip with me and just had to show it to him or tap the road to get a response from him. We didn't meet much traffic but we did meet a large transport first going by with an excavator on board then going by again empty. Then a ratty old van went by with a rattier, old trailer behind it and all that noise didn't cause a problem. We stopped at the first neighbour, he was outside and chatted with Dad a bit. Linus stopped too close to Allie but he backed beautifully when asked and then listened really well to Whoa, Stand.
We continued down the road. We passed a home under construction from a fire and there were loads of vehicles, trailers and tarps but again that was a non-issue. Then my co-worker and her husband were out about halfway up the road. They hadn't met Linus up close and were super impressed. Not only with his unflappable attitude on new surroundings but they also couldn't believe how big he was. Ray is a relief milker and does whatever needs doing on whoever has a farm that needs work of whatever kind. So I guess you could say an agricultural jack of all trades. He is going to keep an eye out for a driving cart for me. He said all I needed was some bike tires and to make a frame and seat so I told him that was awful neighbourly of him to offer to make me a cart!! : ) However, since he has his front deck down to the supports I don't think that will be happening!!
Bath time still hasn't happened but he has settled back into the spray bottle really well. Right now we are using Skin So Soft for bug control. Works but not overly long-lasting. I think I might try the lavender oil suggestion....as long as it doesn't put me to sleep!
After our work today, we put the horses in a field the cows had been in but they (we aren't sure who but Linus seems to have taken the blame...probably correct) ran through the single strand fence. It made Dad comment on single strand electric being able to keep 40 cows in but not 2 horses! In their defense though they were surround by canary grass just out of reach. So, we moved the corral and we will put them in some long grass tomorrow. When we finished moving the gates I noticed Linus watching us so I yelled "What, do you think all of that work was for you"?, he swayed his head and then nickered and walked towards the gate as if he was saying yes it is, so let's go. It was priceless!

Little One

I have been in a bit of horse funk for a few months now.... then someone came along about a week ago that helped me out of it  =)  Horses had become all work and no enjoyment for me.  I have since downsized my herd.  

He started his halter training yesterday without much issue. I could not be more thrilled with him.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Update Voelie

Today I checked Voelie again, the swelling on her leg seemes to have gone down a bit, it is stille swolen but not the whole lower leg. She is still sensitive on some spots but some wounds are looking really good and nicely closed. I treated her again with wound salve and hope for more improvement over the next couple of days.
She was really good while being treated, as if she knew I was helping her and she stood extra still and was extra cuddly!

She is still not lame and seems to be feeling fine.

After her treatment I played with Suri and Voelie with the horse ball, just rolling it a bit. It is new so we are just starting to play with it.

A Rare Sunny Day

Today was an unusual day for us -- SUNSHINE !!


Keri and Teasel, Zoe and I trotted up part of Mount Ephraim and down the opposite side.

Some of the streams are so overflowing -- I am not sure why this brook is not more full of water.  The sun is new and different but our stream walking is routine :)

Pretty moss covered rocks. Keri is very careful stepping up the streambed.

Leafy trails !!   This spring -- there is so much pollen -- I have never seen such clouds of pollen before like this year ! As we trotted through the forest - yellow pollen was knocked off the leaves and we were covered in yellow dust.  The forest floor was an eerie yellowish dusty color...

Pretty beaver pond along the way.

We can see that the beavers have been busy adding to their dam -- with so much rainfall, they had to add height  to hold the water in.

Trails are still muddy -- in some sections, the black flies were super bad with the mud and standing water in the woods. We used lavender oil which seems to work pretty well. The bugs are worse this year than ever before. 

We come off the other side of the mountain and the trees give way to pasture and hayfields.

We ride past what used to be the Vista View Farm... what a beautiful place !

This farm recently sold-- I am not sure what the new owners are going to call the farm -- but certainly Vista View is the perfect name.

Love this view !

Trotting home, I tried to snap a photo of all the popple fluff that is everywhere littering the ground. Along with excess amounts of pollen -- is the fluff that comes off the popple trees. Again -- I have never seen so much ever in my lifetime !!  No wonder this tree is sometimes called cottonwood !

We had a nice ride out --  nothing spectacular or unique to write about... just a nice sunny ride !

Betsy, Keri, Zoe and Teasel in Vermont ~

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Riding Suri and treating Voelie

Yesterday I had another great riding session with Suri. She is very responsive and learns so quickly. We rode in the field and worked on our dressage basis. Because I had not been riding for about 3 yeard (only the occasional ride on other people's horse) I was a bit insecure but now with riding Suri that is completely gone! We are realy enjoying our riding.

Today I discovered strange wounds on all 4 legs of Voelie. One leg was also swollen. It looks like barbed wire wounds but they are on all four sides and all legs but not very deep and also high on her leg. It is very strange because there is no such thing in the field where she is. I really cannot find anything that could of caused it (of course I extra checked the whole field) and unfortunately nobody saw anything. Luckily she is not lame and when I was there all the wounds were dry (closed) so no need for immediate vet (at least that is what I think is wise now) but I hope the swelling goes down quickly and everything heals well. I put some wound salve on all the places and some places are sore for her (she reacts to touch) so I hope all will be fine. Always someting to worry about with horses!

Parelli Clinic and a-truckin' home!

AhD and I attended a Parelli groundwork clinic instructed by “Dancing Pete” on Monday. I tried to be as sponge-like as possible to soak it all in. AhD was a good boy and a good representative of the breed. He did make sure he had a good roll – both sides now – before the instructor showed up. Groundwork, groundwork, groundwork, groundwork….it is very good for us. Dancing Pete has thousands of hours of groundwork on his horse, and that is all well and good for someone who does that for a living, but that is not possible for me and AhD, so I choose to live with the consequences and enjoy what time I have to spend with my Curly.
I rode AhD home the day after the clinic, and we made lightning speed getting back before dark. He was friggin’ AWESOME! Harold would be pleased to know I was a western rider, with tack borrowed from my friend Audrey. Audrey is long and lean and lanky, and I am very un-lanky, so she will be surprised when she next sits in her saddle, he-he. And wait until she tries to buckle her helmet on... :)
We rode up, up, up the mountain at a good fast clip via paved road, and down, down, down the other side via dirt road and rocky trail.
Lots of water, even when we reached The Sandpit and level ground.
AhD was still exhuberant, so we sailed up over the last section of trail to arrive at the barn. Both of us were really glad to get home. I felt GREAT after such a wonderful experience - both the ride and the clinic. ~Susan and AhD in Maine~

Golden Curls American Honey

Good morning all, 
On May 13th, we drove up to Paul's Valley, OK where Bureau of Land Management delivered over 200 Mustangs who were adopted for the Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover. We brought our new girl, Golden Curls American Honey home to Golden Curls Ranch. Since then we have been busy getting her back into good healthy and putting some weight on her beautiful bones. 
Here are a few photos from Day 1

She showed symptoms of shipping fever, had numerous bites and kick marks and her right eye lid was split open. We started her on Uniprim immediately as we have done with all of our BLM Curly Mustangs and she is improving tremendously.  Here are photos from Day 5...

During this time we are working on gaining her trust. What huge progress we have made!
Golden Curls American Honey has been entered into the Mustang Heritage Foundations' Supreme Extreme Mustang Makeover which will be held September 15-17th in Ft. Worth, Texas. She is the first Curly Mustang to compete. Here are links to their website for more information:

We are trilled to be a part of this fun competition and the opportunity show our Curly Mustangs to the horse world.  Join us on our blog:
for updates.

Angie and her Golden Curly Mustangs, Texas

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

HAPPY Birthday Ms Katie

 HAPPPPPY Birthday Ms Katie....Linus...and My Beloved Twenty-eight year old Curly Extrodinaire KAllie-girl!!! The picts below are from our Saturday ride.... It has rained here to the tune of Twenty-six inches since the end of February. Sassy is a bit of a girly girl and isnt really thrilled with "squishy" footing....so...Top of our lesson plan on Saturday was crossing water...inside and outside.  I was with my riding instructor Dianne and Sassy took her one of the Curly Horse T-shirts as a thank you for all she does.  She has been getting alot of comments/questions from other students/visitors about Sassy!!!!!!!! Now she can answer them in Styling Pink Curly horse attire!!! LLOLL  I was so proud of the way Sassy followed me thru the semi flooded arena area (yes there has been THAT much rain).... Im pretty sure she was thinking...There was NO small lake here last time Blondie!!!! But she trusted me ...and  thru it we walked at first.  ...  Then we decided to take her out side and see how she did..... Since we are still on restricted movement...I had to kinda focus...and get over that lil pit in my tummy at her being on non flat surfaces ....knowing she would pick up immediately on any worry I might have..... While leaving the arena..the Sun decided to join our ride...and stayed out the WHOLE time we rode!!!  She was VERY Alert thru the trails around Dianne's outdoor.  The only time there was hesitation was when we would have to cross a small narrow rain induced rut.....??!!   I would reassure her...she would step......but it had HER FULL Attention at first... She would also suggest an alternate route....so we had a discussion on the first one, and she decided I was right and we needed to continue moving forward :))   Dianne's trails lead to an outdoor arena with Stuff.... an outdoor mirror...Fields with cows.....fields with other horses....tires used in obstacles.... The mirror was the object Sassy showed the most..... "its a lil questionable to me" attitude.  Which is hillarious...cause SHE LOVES indoor mirrors!!!!!!  Soooo we overcome that by the second pass around it.....and then we took on the outdoor small lake....... I requested.....she stepped....I clicked.....and in she went!!!!! I Was soooooo excited.....as again..Sassy isnt by nature a  "squishy" kinda girl.... what a feeling for her to trust that way is such an amazing feeling.  We finished the trails and then went back to the arena to work on my transitions. We had a wonderful day...And hope you enjoyed your BDay as much as Sassy and I did ...PS..Sassy blinged out in her necklace and mane clip.....  

 Sassy LOVES Mirrors

HAPPY Curly BDAY from Sassy and Krissy in OH
A Curly Girl needs her nap after such a busy day <3