I am beginning the post with a short video that will lend a clue as to our trip on Sunday with Nimue. If you guessed that we took a long cart ride and brought pizza with us - you are only half correct.
A friend and I trotted in the cart over the back roads to Chester to the local pizza 'joint' for supper.
I always snap a photo here - it's one of the prettiest views in Chester as we trot by Crow Hill Farm.
Miss Nimue has not been out much this spring -- so she's just taking it easy today -- it's hot, humid and lots of hills. Nice slow trot on her new barefoot trim!
When we get to the bottom of Flamstead Road -- all downhill work for Nimue - we turn left onto Green Mountain Turnpike... part of the old turnpike road for stagecoaches from Boston.
In all the photo's, you can see I sit and drive from the wrong side... a bad habit formed a long time ago.
At the end of the Turnpike road - we stop, look both ways and turn right out onto the highway for a bit.
We zip into the parking lot of our destination -- The Pizza Stone. They make a nice home made pizza here. Also - you can get gluten free pizza - which is why I love it !
While we wait for our order - we do some touristy style posing.
Still waiting for our pizza to pop out of the oven -- we are entertained by the live band that is playing this evening. it also gives Nimue a nice breather before heading back UP the hills.
We even get curb side service today !! Darlene (part owner) brings our little gluten free pizza out to us.
I just have to have a slice before we get back in the cart to trot home.
Big pizza smile
Yummy yummy... this is what it's all about !!
with our box of pizza - we trot back down Elm Street for a slight change of scenery.
Pass Chester's Town Hall -- where they have several ladders set up and men are painting the steeple. You can see Nimue raises her ears for that.
There's the train station -- this part of Chester is called Chester Depot. There are days when that station is mighty busy.
Snacking on pizza along the way -- we had a lovely trot home !! Fun Fun -- As we near the farm -- I stop and give myself and Miss Nimue a BIG treat --- a few fast trots through our neighborhood flood !! That cooled her off -- the water is cold ! and pretty deep.
it's later in the day -- not so much light .. the water is shadowy and dark and I can barely make out the boundaries of the narrow road beneath the water -- I don't want to drive us off into the very deep part !!
This was fun relaxing little trip -- Nimue is a fun pony, always up for whatever pops into my mind. I am really wishing someone would buy her and have a lifetime of fun with her !! You can see she is about capable of anything .. she loves this deep water so maybe she'd even be a marathon pony !
Enjoy ~
Betsy and OYY Nimue and friend in Vermont :)