Friday, May 6, 2011

Milestone in may

Yesterday I had a really nice ride with Suri but this time no riding lesson, it was the first time that I saddled my horse for a nice ride by myself! It might sound small but it was definately an important step for me. Suri behaved great, actually the same as the other times but it felt special anyway. She stood perfectly still while I mounted and we had a nice ride in the field. I am looking forward to many more of these lovely rides!


  1. that is a great milestone!! it is always exciting when you go out on your first time just the two..Congrats! any many more happy miles to go

  2. Super, Jessica, sounds wonderful! I am very happy for you. What a good girl Suri is.

  3. Way to go Jessica!! It is a special moment...just wait til you get to have that moment with Voelie! That will be really special for you because you've watched her grow up!
