Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Last Challenge

I choose to introduce Rah to the drainage pipe this Saturday. I had a ten foot long (maybe longer) piece of pipe that I hung over the fence while I groomed him. He noticed it there but didnt pay much attention to it. Then we went over the the pipe and he was curious but scared. I slowly brought the pipe over the fence and let him see and smell it. He licked and bit at it, so I slowly rubbed the pipe on one side of him and he didnt move or mind it much. Then the other side. He stood there like a champ!

I placed the pipe on Rah's back and moved it back and forth. We found out that the pipe makes a great back and butt scratcher! I then placed the pipe on the ground to make him walk over it. After several failed attempts, finally he walked over it! I thought Rah would be much more afraid of the giant black snake, but he was quite patient and willing.

Rah has been under the vet's care for about 6 months now (mild laminitis) and after today, she gave me the go ahead to ride him again. Yea! I can begin earning some more points!


  1. I am happy for you that you get get out and about and ride again!

  2. Thats great news that you can start riding again and the laminites is under control!
