Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother's Day ride with Dad =]

Denise on Reese (10 year old curly gelding)

Tom on Zig (19 year old curly gelding)

I hope all the Mom's out there had a fabulous day on Sunday! Since it was a special day, I thought I'd post a bit. =] Neither one of my kids could make it home to celebrate the day with me but Tom made it extra special by taking me out on a really great trail ride. We took our little dog, Ruby too. But because we have to cross a highway, Tom decided to put her in the back pack til it was safe to let her loose. It was so hilarious! He said the biggest challenge was mounting with an extra 15-20 lbs on his back. lol. Here are the highlights from the day:

Tom & Denise Conroy in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan


  1. That Zig of yours sure wanted to hit the trails in the begining and he sure moves out, reminds me alot of Larry, he just loves to trail ride, skip the arena work! I loved the back pack and the dog, that was really cute :) All in all it looks like you guys had a wonderful day and a really nice ride as well.

  2. Yes, he does! He absolutely loves the trail and if he could talk he would tell you that there is no need for arena work with him. He just knows his job! lol. My daughter and I have been teaching Zig to stand quietly after mounting til we ask him to move out...but Tom never sees much need to do that..he'd rather let Zig go and worry about his stirrups later. UGH. =] Oh well..he IS his horse so what can I say? After every ride Tom says how much he loves his horse. It's great and I am glad he enjoys riding with me from time to time.

  3. Love the backpacking dog!! I still think Reese looks like a big teddy bear!
