Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Trail rides and practice days

*Tessa and I have been doing a lot of riding these days - a couple of weekends ago we went out with some riders from the Endurance group - we were marking trail and enjoying the trails - they were wonderful!  I got one picture of me on *Tessa and my honey on his NSH, can you see I am wearing my RAC shirt?  I am really looking forward to the endurance ride in this riding area, just gorgeous!
And then, last weekend there was a dressage training day and I took *Tessa to that.  This was the first time we have done this in at least two years - she was actually pretty calm and well behaved - I was very happy with her.
Here is one picture of her:
That is all I have time for right now - these are very busy days of spring!
Shelly in Summerland, BC Canada
Curly Standard Place


  1. She is really pretty, what nice pictures you got!

  2. Lovely pictures! Yes, I noticed your RAC shirt. How far do you generally ride when you are training for endurance? How many times per week?

  3. I love Tessa's color! How unique! Wondeful training!

  4. Thanks Dana :)
    Susan, well, it varies - the important thing is to keep riding them on a consistent basis. It also depends on the horse, some maintain their condition easily and others need a lot of riding to maintain. Generally speaking though - at least three times a week, a hour to two hours each ride, trotting and cantering the whole time :)
    Janeen, thanks so much, Tessa is a "pintaloosa" She looks almost white in the winter, darker in the summer :)
    Shelly, BC Canada
