Sunday, October 9, 2011


This is mainly a post I attempted to send last night. I've learned the hard way that I'm limited in file size with the email posting. So it will work well if I am only loading one picture but I have more than that to add today. Yesterday my husband was there to help me with pictures and such while I worked with Linus. Linus will test any new person holding the lead rope...with the exception of children. Stu grew up in military life and was in the military himself - and not the cavalry! So his experience with horses is pretty limited. He is nervous but having Linus grow with us has immensely helped. Now that Linus is getting pretty big, I need to keep Stu's confidence up so I told him yesterday I would show him a few things he could do with Linus just to show him that he can't get away with anything. After a quick demo Stu had Linus yielding his quarters in both directions and also had him backing up easily too. Linus was a bit reluctant to follow Stu prior to this - just plain stubborn!! After I asked Stu to lead him again and Linus happily followed. It was really cool to watch Linus be handled and respond to someone else and it was nice to see Stu feeling in control of him. 

I threw my hat up in the air after jumping up and down trying to get a nice picture of Linus. All of my attempts backfired!! Here he is picking my hat up for me! I need to try to show cow picture trick and hold a big mirror up to get him alert - that one hasn't failed me yet!

This is Stu working with Linus. I think they had just whoa'd the back here. 

Linus and Allie showboating. We were trying hard to get some nice action shots. I have an Uncle I'm going to visit next week and he is so anxious to see pictures of the horses. 

Taken from our forest floor looking straight up. This is where Linus and I come in the winter. We need to do some trail cleaning though!

And here is a really good view to show Linus is again (still!) doing some growing. Bum is well above shoulders!! How friggin' tall is he going to get! I'm hoping to measure him today!

Donna & Linus
Lunenburg, ON


  1. Donna beautiful pictures :) Glad Linus was such a good boy :) Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hi Donna, Linus is looking great. He still looks to be in his summer coat or is it getting thicker too? I don't knwo what your weather is but here it is getting colder allready!

  3. Donna,
    Linus is a good looking horse. His deep chestnut/sorrel coloring reminds me of the curly horse during the early 1990's when many, many curly horses were that lovely chestnut/sorrel color.

  4. Thank you Caren!
    His coat is thickening Jessica but its hard to see. It's hard right now to grow a good one. We've had temperatures below freezing already but then we were back to summer weather this past weekend.
    Thank you Penny, I love his colour. If you look close on his left hind quarter you can see his darker brown "birthmark"
