Sunday, March 10, 2013

Much Needed Weekend

I jokingly posted on Facebook that this weekend would be a great weekend for camping since it would be in the 60's.  My friend, Lara, commented back that it sounded like a good idea, maybe we should camp Saturday nite.  She asked her husband, who immediately said yes, and I asked mine, who said he thought we were crazy, but agreed to go.  I packed up Saturday morning and waited for Mark to get home from work at 1:30 pm.  After he got home, we loaded up the girls and headed to Catoosa Ridge; which is about and hour away from us.  When we got there our friends had our campsite all picked out and had a nice warm campfire going.  We put the horses in the stalls and gave them food and water.  We backed the trailer into the campsite and settled in next to the fire.  We woke up the next morning, ate breakfast and hit the trails.  In the past Shya spooked at the manure pit, the gazebo and the mounting block but this time she didn't seem to notice them.  We were riding in the back of the line but Shya was fine with it because I have worked with her on being in different places in line. The problem arose when we missed a turn-off and I asked her to turn around and become the leader.  She tried her famous "act like you are going to attack the horse next to you act" on poor Vegas.  In the past I would be so worried about her hurting the other horse that I would just move her out of the way and let the other horse lead.  But since I have my strength back I have not been allowing her to get away with it.  My friend moved her horse out of the way and I made Shya lead.  She was not happy, but she did it.  She tried to move off the trail a few times, but I urged her forward.  Then I asked her for a trot, which she did reluctantly.  A few times she stopped and tried to let Pickles pass her, but Mark just stopped Pickles and I urged Shya on.  She did try to ditch sideways into a tree at one point, but once again I urged her on.   When she relaxed and accepted leading, I turned her to the side and allowed the others to pass and took the pressure off from her.  I like it when I am trail riding and a learning opportunity arises.  The rest of the trail ride was without event and we just got to enjoy each other.  She just gets better and better with each ride and I love that I have friends that I ride with that are willing to let me work with her.


  1. Wow, you have camping grounds with stall boxes, what a treat! Sounds like total fun!

    1. When we lived in MI we had to picket when we camped so when we moved down here i was kind of bummed that all they had were stalls. But now I am grateful for the stalls because I can sleep at night and NOT have to worry about my horse getting loose!

  2. Sounds like a very successful trip. Can't believe you can camp in March!!

    1. We were able to camp over Thanksgiving weekend also! I love Tennessee!
