Thursday, May 13, 2010

Open Sesame - and open & close Gate with Curly J and Angie

Hey all,

Ok, now we are off and running, ok, really just walking over to the gate. Curly J is such a gentle creature. He waits patiently for me to figure out which way the chain goes over the latch and then forgives me for letting the gate hit him on the to love them Curlies.....Angie

Video : Open Sesame - open & close Gate with Curly J and Angie


  1. LoL! That was the one thing I just couldn't get was relatching the chain! It was just too low. =] I would have given you points for just closing the gate great job, Angie!

  2. I'm impressed. I don't have a gate with my current setup, but when I was younger & had a gate to work with, I had SO much trouble getting my pony to stand still at the right moments. :)
