Sunday, January 27, 2013

Was Bigfoot Watching?

Today I invited a friend over to ride the trails here as it was a little warmer than yesterday even!  Yay!  She likes to ride gaited horses and I do have one, so it was a win-win situation.  We got to ride together and I got an extra horse exercised!  It was an enjoyable ride and lasted a lot longer than either one of us anticipated.  We were out almost 2 hours on the meager trails I have.  I'm not sure how that happened, but it was fun going around and around.  The weather was perfect and we didn't get cold.  The horses were pooped though, that's for sure!

Corky made me proud again today.  I just can't get over how he acts like a seasoned horse when I know he's not.  My friend's saddle had slipped to one side, so I had gotten down to help her readjust.  See, she has a debilitating disease, so once she's on it's best to leave her there, especially in this weather.  We got her adjusted and then I realized that I'm in the middle of the woods, standing in snow up to my knees and I've got my Carhartt suit on and can't get my foot in the stirrups to get back on!  Yikes!  I looked around for a log or something and didn't see one, but we were next to a ravine, so I asked Corky to step down the hill, so I was on higher ground.  Now I could get my foot in the stirrup, but would I be able to get on admist all these clothes and my saddle not slide?  I boosted myself up, the saddle leaning toward me and to my amazement, Corky just stood there while I got all the way up and adjusted.  I was just beaming inside. 

We continued to ride for about another hour and just enjoyed the weather!  After -20F last week, 20 above was awesome!   I do have to say, though, that I need to get back out there because I kept seeing signs of Bigfoot, I thought, and I want to go check it out.  Maybe Susan is right, maybe he did move!  Or are there many Bigfoots?


  1. Corky is turning out to be such a trooper!!!! I am really impressed! I can also have fun riding around and around in the winter on the same trails. It just feels soooo good to get out there!

  2. What a great boy! Maybe that's Linus seemed so high up the other day! The insulated coveralls aren't so good for flexibility!
