Sunday, December 18, 2011

Merry HO HO Christmas

What a great day in Minnesota to horseback ride, I hope Susan had a good day for it and up in Canada you guys should be so lucky. I had to ride about 2 miles north of my ranch to find some snow so I could rub it in to Donna, Eh???? By the way the snow is my Christmas Docrations!!!! You guys have beat me out so bad I just decided snow was it for me and Curly, I aslo wanted to show you his curls close up, he is awesome this year again. Angie I have to tell you I think we are haveing Texas weather here, I mean it is 39 degrees and getting warmer. Thanks for sending the warm weather my way. Must be my Christmas present from you this year. You all have a Merry Christmas from the Curls N Horns Ranch in warm Minnesota


  1. Whooo Hooo!! Harold's on the trail again! And I agree Harold...with snow and curls like that, who needs decorations?!! Curly Boy's curls are incredible and you captured them perfectly. We had a warmer day here too...and actually joined you on a ride just about the same time. I'll post my pics soon. Merry Christmas to you too!!!

  2. Beautiful curls!! Way to go gettin back on the trail! I'll have you know there is 3 days of snow forecasted this week....and I'm choosing to ignore the rain also forecasted!!!
    I have a special "extra canadian" photo planned just for you!

  3. Look at that coat! Wow! I am so glad you are back in the saddle enjoying your passion. We are NOT warm, and no snow either, but there is soe in the forecast.

  4. Yeehaw, Harold,
    Awesome photos of Curly Boy...but where are you? Do you have your red long johns on???????
