Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ambling About in Maine

"Susan, are you kidding me? This manure pile is very comfy and toasty."
Nope, Didder, I was not kidding. After a give-to pressure groundwork session, we took a turn around the trails out back.The stream is full to bursting. AhD went right up to the edge of it, and then he was absolutely certain that he could NOT back into a snowbank. I refused to let him turn around because I had already asked him to back up, so I dismounted and convinced him that backing up WAS an option. He got a big hug for working through it.
It was so pretty out there. The snow varied from virtually nothing to well over a foot deep depending on where we were, so it was slow going and a good workout for Didder.
We then headed up the road to Back Street and on to that brand new trail I discovered last week. We checked out the heavy equipment.
Didder was impressed.
We did not continue on down here because of mud and slick ice, but turned around and continued down Back Street again, working on our gaiting.
We followed a deer trail into this baby apple orchard. AhD fertilized the trees. What a good guy! :)
I decided to explore another trail off of the road. Very beautiful and peaceful. We found a new stream.
I think I will be going back here tomorrow. Pretty sure I dropped my gloves out of my pocket along here. They are worn through on two fingers, but still good for riding this time of the year. Didder really liked this area, too. He was very relaxed and contented, exploring this new path. There was a ton of deer sign in here.
We jaunted towards home.
What a happy camper! He has his typical March Mane. This will be his best mane of the year. We continued gaiting, walking and trotting up Back Street until we passed this field.
Well, this was just waaayyy too good to resist. AhD thought it looked like lunch. I thought it looked like a canter. When he realized what my idea was, he was only too happy to oblige, and transitioned right into it from a walk. It was sweet, and light and fun, fun, fun! so, we did it again! ~Enjoy your Curly!~ Susan and Didder

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