Saturday, March 5, 2011

one of THOSE days

Trailer loading with Tucker today.... He hasn't had much trailer loading, which went better than I thought it would, other than he turned around to come out the first time.  He is a long horse and in my straight load it isn't safe.  We started with only one front foot a few times, back out, then two a few times, back out, then tried three feet, but he would jump in with all four before I could stop him.  So, then he sorta "locked up" once inside and wouldn't back out.  We managed to get about four successful loads and backing out and quit.

His big temper tantrum came while I left him tied for a few minutes at the "Patience Pole", which I normally tie them up after a lesson for a few minutes to soak and so not to go straight back to their buddies, comfort, food and water.  This isn't new to him but, it turned into over an hour.  He pawed, he bit the post, he circled, he threw his head, he pushed on the post.  I think he was mad because the other horses were eating leftovers where he could see them.  He has never threw a fit like this before. He was tied until he was quiet for a few minutes then I let him go.  Just too much time off and energy, which is my fault for not being consistent.



  1. Thanks for sharing about the patience pole! This is something I am intending to do with some of my horses today - it is so good for them to learn patience - so important IMO.
    Shelly in Summerland, BC Canada

  2. Good for you! I just had that experience with Tygs! I wasn't sure if he had ever been tied up or not. Yesterday he was fine, but today he threw a fit because the other horses went for a ride and he was tied up. That's our next lesson too!

  3. I just love your Patience Pole idea! I have a hitching post that works great for that kind of thing. Thanks for the reminder because I'm sure it will come in handy during the "Spring Friskies."
