Sunday, March 20, 2011

Sunday Therapy

I was at a birthday party for the warmest part of the day today but thankfully got home in time to spend a couple of hours with Linus. There were lots of relatives who met at the farm and then from there went on to the party. I didn't say much last year when they kept calling Linus a pony...I thought that I would just let them figure it out on their own. Well, they sure are starting to! The "Holy crap he's getting big" club grew some more today. They don't call him a pony anymore either :)
I saddled Linus and put his bitless on. I asked the trainer whose chat we sat in on last week if she had seen them or done any work with them and was a bit surprised when she said she hadn't seen good results with them because the pressure pulling from the underside of their head. She prefers pressure on the top above the nose. Again though, I think just tools for the toolbox. So far I have been pleased with the bitless....anyone else??
We had a very nice walk. When Linus got a bit too forward we had "chill out" time where I would stop him and make him stand still until he visibly settled down. I think its just a bit of spring fever but that doesn't make him the leader! He caught on quickly and I swear he listens better and better every time we are out.
We succeeded in getting every dog on the road to bark! We also met a young couple out walking with their baby. It was the first time we had met a stroller but Linus has seen Owen last year in one so it wasn't a big deal. The hardest part of meeting people on the road is convincing Linus that not everybody wants to meet him! He is so friendly! Their dog had never seen a horse and was barking and snarling. Linus just went towards him ears perked! I just hope he doesn't learn the hard way that not everyone or everything is friendly.
He forgot that cars are an excuse to dance and didn't bat an eye at any traffic today. He inspected lots of mailboxes too. As usual. My only issue was on the way back he noticed horse poop that wasn't his and really want to give it a very thorough inspection. I don't have a problem with this. My dog does the same and I just call it "reading the doggy newspaper", same for horses right? Well, when it was time to continue we had quite a discussion over it. He did not want to go and I did. He kept trying to go around me and swing back to it. Ok Linus, you want to move your feet then move them. After a half dozen circles we continued towards home without a glance back. Tone of voice is really starting to click for him. When I get stern he knows I mean any man should, lol.
We had a great trip back from there and overall and super enjoyable outing. I called it my Sunday therapy because it's SO relaxing and just seems to charge the batteries.

These fresh cut logs were not there last time we were out so of course deserving of a very thorough inspection...also determined cedar branches are yummy!

New favourite thing to do once the bridle is off is give those ears and forehead a good scratch and rubbing! I couldn't catch it on camera but he had his head twisted to the side and stretched out. Clearly enjoying it!

Waiting patiently for his supper....

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