Friday, March 4, 2011

Jumping today!

This morning I took Kobee over to the indoor and he was really great - he settled down quickly and worked very well for me - we even did some cantering and he was steady and focused - what a good boy :)

But the real fun was this afternoon!  Anastasia and I took Tessa and Bijou over to the indoor for a jumping lesson.  I am sure that Anastasia will blog about her and Bijou, so I will just say a few things about Tessa.  There are a lot of horses on her paternal side who are known as jumpers in the Curly world, but I haven't yet jumped her, with the exception of on the trails, so today was a first for her, but she did very very well I think!  Please pardon the dirty girl that she is - it is hard to keep her at all clean this time of year :)

Now this is only the beginning - Anastasia and I had so much fun and we have a great jumping trainer right next door, so we are going to take several more lessons over the next few weeks - stay tuned!
Shelly in Summerland, BC Canada


  1. Well, I do need to preface this by saying I know nothing about jumping, but nonetheless, LOOK AT YOU GO, GIRL!!! Tessa is awesome!! Three jumps in a row??! Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me that would require great coordination and natural ability for a horse just starting out. Way cool. Looking forward to your next post.

  2. And this was the first lesson?? I say that is awesome, I mean like Susan said 3 jumps in a row that's a lot. And I lke your balance too. Great job! Good Tessa like here a lot

  3. Very nice! What a great jumper! She is nice and clean with alot of scope. Is this the first time she's jumped?

  4. That looks like lots of fun! I can imagine you are looking forward to the next lesson. Tessa is doing great! She doen'st look that dirty at all!

  5. Susan, Tessa is a very athletic horse - and she gives her work her all - very nice and fun to ride :)
    Marion - this was Tessa's first lesson, but I should have said that in my distant youth I did quite a bit of jumping - mostly training and for fun, I don't like show jumping :)
    Theo - yes, this was the first time I have done any formal jumping with her, but she likes to "go" no question and she has a big heart. She has jumped a few things on the trail that impressed me a lot, so I know she can do it!
    Jessica, it was a lot of fun - I guess she doesn't look too dirty due to being a pintaloosa, but believe me, she was dirty LOL

  6. Congrats!! That looks awesome. I have never jumped but I have seen Linus jump some small logs in the bush so maybe it is something we can learn together in a few years. Love hearing about what you are up to on the West coast!
