Saturday, March 26, 2011


Today I thought I'd see how Suri would react to me putting a saddle on her. I know she is used to this in Sweden but becuase the place here is new and I am new for her I don't just want to assume she is ok with everything. I don't have a real saddle yet for her but I have my woolen bareback saddle so I took this over to practice with Suri. After a good grooming (she is loosing lots of fur) I saddles her with it ans put on a rope halter too. She was fine with everything and acted as the most experienced horse in the world!
After this I lunged her a bit in walk on both sides (just practising walk and stop). She is such a lovable, sweet, calm, gently, curious and great horse! I am really lucky to have her here!
Voelie of course also got a good grooming, she is also such a lovely young horse.

Here are some pictures of my beautiful Curly girls today


  1. woohooee she is big. Love that saddle!! what brand is it? I am looking for something like that too.
    Voelie looks as sweet as ever :-)

  2. Voelie looks like a smaller Theo in that picture! His mane is about the same length and same color. She looks quite relaxed with the saddle on congrats!

  3. Thanks,she is indeed really relaxed! Marion, it a german brand called christ lamswollen saddle. It is sooo oft and feels so nice!
