Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Well, I guess the title should be the last few days :)
I have been busy - and getting busier and as that happens I will have less and less time for blogging, but believe me, I will be riding!
So no new photos or anything, but I did want to mention a couple of things.  I have not had any time at all for Joe lately.... and I was really waiting for the snow and ice to get out of my ring, which it has been clear now for a few weeks.....So, yesterday was the day for it and I just now looked back to see on my RAC log sheet that the last time I rode him was February 15th!  Now, that was quite a while ago!  Almost 6 weeks!  I have been noticing though, that Joe has been watching me quite intently lately, as I walk past him to get another horse for riding..... so he was "quite" pleased when I chose him to bring out.  I have to admit it was wiht some trepidition that I began with him, I assumed that he would be a bit "up" or "distracted" or something!  But, no!  He was just about perfect and he was soooo thrilled to be doing something that when I was finished and hopped off him, he gave a little whinny to me :)  What a dear thing he is :)

So I also rode Kobee yesterday - he is better and better all the time - really a good boy and I am enjoying my time with him.  I will say though that I will be happy when he finds a home of his own, so that I can free up a little more time to ride/work some of my other horses!

One more thing that I hope is allowed - it does relate to one of the horses that I do ground work with on a regular basis and that is my s/c Curly mare DKH Lacey.  Lacey came to me quite feral in January of 2010, and I have worked with her over the past year to try to gentle her enough that I can safely handle her when her foal arrived (she was bred to Sandman last year).  Well, in the early hours of today, Lacey gave birth to a gigantic bay Curly filly - we hare thrilled with her of course, but the best news of all is that Lacey is doing her best to accept us handling her foal - I am very pleased with her!  I know that she has given birth to a few foals on the range, so this is a whole new scenario for her - she is in my foaling stall under lights/cameras of course!  So  I will include one photo of our stretch limo (lol) I was up all night last night with the two of them :)

Shelly in Summerland, BC Canada


  1. Beautiful mom and baby, and I think that is so sweet that Joe whinnied to you. How touching!

  2. Thanks Susan - yes, this is a really lovely BIG mare and the foal looks like she will mature to 16hh, which will be just super. But, she is already over 100 lbs, so getting her handled now is really important - I am really happy that Lacey is allowing me to handle the baby.

    About Joe - yes, he is a really truly sweet boy. He has whinnied to me a few times before when I have dismounted, but I think it is a measure of how pleased he is with our time together. It is wonderful to think that a mostly unhandled horse of his age can come around to being this much of a people horse!

  3. Wow, what a little monster!! Adorable though. You must have been just beaming to have to have the mare show that must trust in you with handling baby. I think its totally relevant, you've obviously put a lot into this horse to gain her trust. Awesome!
    - Donna (Ontario)

  4. Thanks for the nice comment, Donna - you are quite right - it is very gratifying that this mare allows me to handle the foal - she is cautious still, of course, but she is not taking the foal away from me and that is a big deal for her, I know it is as she herds the baby away from other people.
    Shelly in Summerland, BC Canada

  5. OOO Shelly!!! How BEAUTIFUL is the Mama and her foal. I can only imagine how incredible it feels to have mama allow you to be involved!!!! I love the fact that Joey "thanked you " at the end of his ride .....I love horses...LLOLL

  6. What a sweet picture of Lacy and her foal and indeed so great that you can get the foal used to being handled and used to people!
    Great to hear that Joe was so good to start again! He seems to really enjoy the riding!
