Friday, January 28, 2011

Pictures of Kaycee and Seal

Kaycee loved playing in the water, after she got used to it!!
What a pretty girl, all clean!!

Can you do this with your curly??

hello, me again!! I realized after reading Denise's comment this morning that there were no photos of my girls. Unfortunately, I am the main photographer in the family, so photos of us working are few and far between. I did want to post pics of the girls, so I used some of my older photos just so everyone can see... I hope you all enjoy and maybe you can try some of this with your curlies! The first three photos are Kaycee, these were taken the first year she was home. It was her first bath The tarp photo I particularly like, because I don't know of any horses around our area that would do this. The second set of three are Seal, this was the first time that she had been exposed to the rain coat or the tarp.


  1. I LOVE your picture with the blue plastic sitting right in it!!! You are doing fantastic! I simply love your girls and how calm and gentle they are!

  2. "HEY! MOM, my name is spelled CEELE! geez get it right!" LOL Great to see you posting and so excited about your curl-less curlies and to know the personality can be there even without the beautiful curls.
    Ellen Cheyenne, Wy

  3. love the pic and to see your curly's. I like the big blue tarp. Did it once but not with my curly's yet, good idea!!
    have fun

  4. Those are wonderful challenges! Something to work on! Janeen, Dafter Michigan

  5. OOH loving the new tarp idea - thanks!

  6. Your curlies are really great with all these things. Always good to get them to trust strange and scary objects:) I love the first picture with the water, so cute!

  7. well everyone on the RAC knows I LOVE a good "obstacle" -- great stuff :)

  8. Love the use of the tarp! There is so much to use as training aids!! What Wonderful Non Curled Curlies!!!!
