Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Curly Mule is an Appy now

Not much to share, just a quick post to say that I did some clicker training with Josie yesterday and, although she was skeptical at first, I convinced her that her new rope halter is nothing to be scared of. :)

Also, we're getting a blizzard here, and today I found I had an Appy Curly mule...or a snow-mule, I can't decide which. ;)

Here's hoping for better riding weather soon. At least with the snow being so deep now we'll have good footing for awhile (knock on wood that it doesn't rain).


  1. Josie is lovely! I have always wondered if there were Curly mules out there. I have been wondering about breeding my Curly mare to a gaited Mammoth Jack to get a Curly mule that is gaited. How old is Josie? What do you do with her? :)

  2. Oh I love the look of Curly Mules! Are they super-stubborn? :) Your Josie looks soo cute!

  3. *Snow Flake* Curly Mule!!!!! That is AWSOME!!! I have heard that mules make incredible trail partners!!! Josie is a total cutie!!! How long have you had her?

  4. When the cows get covered in snow like that we call them "skunks"...they are all black to begin with so with the blanket of white....


  5. Emily--if you google Curly Mules I think you can only find 2 others out there. Josie had a sister when she went into New Holland Auction house, but her sister didn't make it. I just made a webpage on Josie the other day. It's still rough, not finished yet, but you can see more pictures of her and read her story if you like;

    Mostly I was just trying to get Lightbox working, lol. I plan on doing something with Josie this year but am not sure what yet. I think just getting her under saddle will be good for now, and maybe refreshing her harness training in a more positive light. She is 10, almost 11 I think. :)

    Caren--Josie is not super stubborn. Mules are more present, I guess, is the best way to explain it. I can often feel Josie watching me for example. And they're not as blindly loyal as horses are in general. They need a more obvious reason to be on your side initially. But once you've convinced them, they will do anything for you.

    Josie is, I suspect, easier than most mules due to being half Curly horse. Like many Curlies she is very friendly and very curious. I haven't spent much time around other mules though, so I don't know for sure.


  6. Krissy--My mother and I rescued her last March, so almost a year...I hope you'll go look at the website and read her story too. :)

    And hahaha at the skunk comment. That makes so much sense!
