Monday, April 18, 2011

Conservative Linus

Wow, my picture copied tiny (I copied it from Facebook) but it is a shot of Linus investigating a conservative candidate sign because, here in Canada, we are having ANOTHER election.
I took the picture at a good time because a few seconds later he grabbed the top of the sign and pulled the plastic right off the frame! I guess that about takes care of whipping plastic for an obstacle!
We had a horrible weekend for weather. Crazy windy and off and on rain, hail and snow. But, stubborn as we are we still got time out together. Linus was great actually. Allie was in heat and trying her darndest to get Linus interested in her but he just got annoyed with her and we ended up walking ahead of them. I was impressed with his behaviour with her in heat. He is a gelding but he was sorta thinking of her as his mare since she got here. I'm glad it wasn't to the extent of acting like a breeding stallion.
He wore the bareback pad again and is getting so good at standing for things to be put on him. I'm hoping today to get some of the obstacles done. The weather isn't great but if I wait for the weather to get better it'll be June before I get to anything!!
We have really had to work on Linus respecting me while leading again. He was getting a little bit ahead of me while out for walks with another horse there but he shows really good signs of still respecting me, he just seems to forget about it at times. I also really have to reinforce when he tries to turn nothing into something just to put a show on for Allie. However, he is definitely showing her the ropes too. He will lead into narrow and dark spaces and he doesn't bother with the tractor or 4Wheeler. It's helping to calm her down and it gives me more to do with him too!


  1. Your title and picture made me really laugh! LOL

  2. Good for Linus! I'm so tired of those signs turning up on my farm!
