Saturday, April 30, 2011

What a month!

Hard to believe April has gone by so fast but as you can see from my picture we did end it on a high note with gorgeous weather!! It's funny, Allie is looking at me because I was snapping my fingers trying to get Linus to look at me! At least he has his ear on me!

He has almost completely lost his winter coat and is starting to look really good! I think he is doing very good for a 2 year old standing nice and quiet saddled and bridled. We took them for a walk where Linus did perk up quite a bit more and needed some reminders to walk with me not ahead of me. But he did really well again in no time.
Before we headed out Linus had a lesson in standing still while tied. He has a tendency to move around a lot and I hadn't really thought about it but tended to just move with him. I'm used to doing that working with show cows until they learn to stand quiet. But, I think Linus should learn to stand a bit more quietly. So I got out the training stick and made a lot of commotion when he moved his feet but stopped the instant he did. It took him about a minute to catch on and from that point on he stopped on verbal cues only! I love that he picked it up so fast but I really want to work through something big with him!!!
I'm proud of our April accomplishments and am really looking forward to finding some of our own challenges too!


  1. Linus is doing wonderfully for a two year old and it's all because of you! Good job!

  2. Way to go! Two year olds really want to paw and move around a bit!
