After a bit Griffin decided to ride his bike up and down the long driveway so I asked him to hang on a bit and he could help me. He just loves the fact that he helps me to get points with Linus. Linus was pretty intrigued with the bike but he wanted to chase it instead of run away from it! How typical.
After our few challenge items we moved on to more saddle prep work and I put the Aussie saddle on him. It definitely is a different feel for him but he didn't at all seem to mind having it there.
We're supposed to have a few days of rain so I'm not sure how much will get done over the next few days but we will get there!
A local equine nutritionist decided to have a gala banquet (proceeds went to Big Brothers/Big Sisters) last night. The focus was to just get fellow equine owners together for a fun evening. They had some prizes and awards. It was a fun evening and a great chance to talk about the Curly horse. Only 2 people at our table knew about the breed and that was only because they were friends of mine. So yesterday turned out to be a very horsey focussed day!
I see you took my suggestion on if you have kids use them :) HA HA. They are such great helpers in this contest! Hope your round pen is working out wonderfully. It sounds like you had a really fun day full of nothing but horse...I love those days. I can't wait to see your dress up pictures! :)